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Your weight loss: the Superprof guide to solutions for losing weight at home

While it has been proven that playing sports burns fat, physical activity also leads to muscle mass gain and therefore weight gain . The quote from actress M. Bernier, certainly ironic, is therefore true, except on one point: sport is always and in all circumstances beneficial.

In France, in 2012, Obépi-Roche surveys based on the body mass index (BMI) of the French population revealed that 32.3% of people were overweight.

Obesity struck 15% of people, 49.2% of people had a so-called “normal” corpulence and 3.5% of them suffered from malnutrition.

If 47.3% of French people (overweight + obesity) need to lose weight or reduce their waistline, they do not always have the financial means to pay for weight loss coaching.

Here is the mini-guide to web solutions for losing weight at home! Ready to embark on the adventure?

15 tips to lose weight at home!

To achieve your slimming goal or simply lose a few pounds, some advice may seem obvious. Nevertheless, they are not necessarily easy to follow, to maintain, or even to put in place when our eating habits have been established for many years.

We think in particular of someone overweight who would not know how to lose weight, so this objective would seem unattainable to him.

Rest assured, there are a few tips you can implement at home to lose a few extra pounds, even if we know that it is never easy to question your diet and take a closer look at how to compose a healthy and balanced meal.

Bad eating habits (water retention, salt, sugars, sweets, fats, soft drinks, fatty acids, etc.) or a sedentary lifestyle are often the evils to be overcome in order to lose weight.

Tell this person “eat less!” or that it is necessary to do a physical training is not enough: often, it is necessary a personalized accompaniment, a slimming coaching adapted to the needs of each one.

But slimming, sports or nutrition coaching is expensive.

For those who cannot afford such a service, we have thought of a top 15 tips for losing weight at home :

  • Have a regular sporting activity,
  • Test interval training (HIIT),
  • To drink a lot of water,
  • Eat eggs for breakfast
  • Adopt a healthy diet,
  • Ban snacking,
  • Include protein in every meal
  • Reduce your consumption of sugars,
  • Control the portions and the number of calories ingested,
  • Eat at regular times
  • Cook,
  • Reduce salt,
  • Do weight training,
  • Eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible
  • Try to get quality sleep.

Doing abs, sheathing, movements on the treadmill or even jumping rope, weight training with body weight, are practices that will help limit the storage of fat and eliminate toxins from the body. . In addition, these movements can very easily be performed at home.

As we know, the muscles in motion during physical effort will consume the accumulated glucose and, in the long term, will burn excess calories. Give yourself time to do a few targeted workouts that will help you keep your figure and tone your figure.

At the center of the movements to lose weight permanently, we find sheathing, squats, lunges, pumps or dips.

Also, a proven method is the succession of split training sessions: HIIT (for high intensity interval training ). This is a discipline that consists of making intense efforts spaced out with short breaks. Nothing like boosting weight loss!

The advantage of this practice is that you can adapt it to the sport you practice. Whether you’re running, swimming, biking, walking, or rowing, you’ll quickly see a decrease in body fat, an increase in muscle mass, and an increase in metabolism. These three factors are crucial if you have a weight loss goal.

Added to this is the crucial need to have a balanced diet : no carbohydrates, choose diet products with low energy density. These include fruits and vegetables, whole grains and legumes.

We also remember that for weight loss to be very effective, you must reduce meats, poultry, cheese and bread.

It is also recommended not to skip meals and to eat three balanced meals and a healthy snack each day. Indeed, if the body does not receive the energy necessary for its proper functioning, it will store the fats necessary to avoid being deficient.

All doctors will tell you, it is important to eat slowly, mindfully. If you eat too quickly, you risk upsetting your digestive system. Count about twenty minutes between the start of the meal and the feeling of satiety. The slower you eat, the more time your brain will have to send the right information to your stomach and the fewer calories you will have consumed!

Add a large glass of water at the start of a meal or whenever you have a craving. The feeling of hunger will decrease and you will not be tempted to pounce on a sweet or a meal rich in fat. Please also note that it is recommended to drink one and a half liters of water per day. This will speed up your metabolism and thus burn calories.

Another important point, snacks are essential in case of cravings. A handful of dried fruit, a piece of fruit, a square of dark chocolate or plain yoghurt will save you from snacking often consisting of fatty and sugary foods.

Sleep also has an impact on weight gain, because fatigue is one of the factors that increase hunger. By being rested, you will have less urges towards foods rich in lipids and carbohydrates and you will also have more motivation to move during a sports session!

You now have a maximum of tips to start good eating and sports habits!

How to find the right sports coach ?

How to find weight loss exercises online?

How to lose pounds, cellulite, slim your hips or tone your figure? Superprof explains everything you need to know to motivate yourself at home!

What sport and what to eat to find the line?
Here is a pleasure that we will not deprive ourselves of during the diet!

Having a healthy diet is not always enough: and in addition to losing weight, it is often necessary to build muscle to avoid muscle wasting.

So the best way to do this is to exercise.

The WHO, World Health Organization , recommends twenty minutes of physical activity a day. Ideally, if you want to lose weight, count three sports sessions of forty-five minutes per week.

In a weight loss objective, it is recommended to make a moderate but constant physical effort, which can be maintained during the complete training. Thus, the body draws on fat reserves.

And did you know that sports activity allows the body to burn calories even at rest? Indeed, the metabolism being boosted, the body continues to consume energy and burn fat.

However, sport can have the opposite effect, that is to say, it can cause weight gain. Indeed, as and when sports sessions, muscle will replace fat.

Because muscle is heavier than fat, you can gain weight on the scale while getting leaner physically. This is why it is important to be coached and to choose a site that clearly meets your objectives.

You are probably wondering which sport is the most suitable for losing weight? At Superprof, we recommend cardio training, which is very effective for burning calories during and after the session.

On the same principle, bodybuilding is also indicated for losing fat because it stimulates the basic metabolism.

In general, to melt, it is advisable to work at moderate intensity and to split your session with breaks in each exercise.

Looking for maximum results? Do not hesitate to turn to a sporting activity that combines the two.

Online, there are countless websites providing users with slimming plans and sports coaching.

You can start by contacting an Annecy sports coach and nutritionist on the Superprof platform in your city.

You will have to identify your objectives beforehand . These must be achievable, consistent and realistic.

Do you want coaching to lose belly fat, firm the skin, strengthen muscle groups, speed up your metabolism?

Need a program to optimize your caloric intake (lipids, carbohydrates, proteins)?

A personal trainer will help you define your goals and your weight loss strategy, and above all to achieve it. But the problem is that the expertise and experience of a Versailles sports coach who also specializes in nutrition is expensive.

The web offers you a myriad of sites where you can find sports training to lose weight .

To name a few, you can check out the following:

  • line-coaching,
  • Healthy Life,
  • Sports training,
  • Pro Trainer,
  • Fizz Up.

These supports may help you lose weight quickly.

Applications also help you on your journey:

  • Lose weight in 21 days,
  • FizzUp,
  • Ultimate Workout Nutrition,
  • Keep,
  • 7 Minute Workout App.

You will be guided at home with advice and targeted movements. Depending on your needs and objectives, you can choose your support.

The best time to lose weight through sport is to practice in the early morning (between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m.) or between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. for high intensity workouts.

Beware, however, of the yoyo effect: food deprivation encourages the body to reduce its muscle mass instead of eliminating fatty tissue.

In the long term, the sport and/or the dietary foods consumed do not make you reach satiety: suddenly, the risk is to stuff yourself and regain weight.

To avoid this side effect of the diet, it is essential to practice a sporting activity regularly.

This is where these sites will help: by doing a series of simple movements, to do at home, every day.

What are the best online weight loss programs?

Another solution for slimming: online slimming programs .

There are many solutions on the web promising guaranteed results to lose weight quickly. Some claim to be able to lose up to 5 to 10 kilos per month.

It is important to keep in mind that these expected profits will vary from person to person, and it must also be remembered that these are sales strategies.

How to follow a slimming program?
Dieting is even more effective while exercising!

It is never easy to lose weight. Besides, nothing is more frustrating than starting a drastic slimming diet and not achieving these goals. This is why many people decide to give up when they find that their efforts are not quickly rewarded. 

Unfortunately, the fastest way to lose weight is not the same for everyone. Study well all the solutions offered by the slimming plans to find the best option for you.

Slimming menus are intended to define a healthy and balanced diet. Their goal is simple: to set up new habits in a fun way. Fruits and vegetables, as well as sport, are part of your daily routine.

We will see, there are a multitude of plans to lose extra pounds on the web. We have made a selection of the most serious programs that offer the best results.

Before embarking on the adventure, take stock of your motivations. Why do you want to lose weight? Are you ready to commit for the long term? Are you ready to put in the necessary effort? Are you ready to follow an established plan? 

This questioning is crucial to put all the chances of success on your side.

Whatever your goal, there’s bound to be a program to suit your needs. Whether you’re looking for a high-protein meal plan or want to melt away your thighs and stomach, you’ll find the formula that’s right for you.

Here is a selection of the 8 best online slimming programs:

  • As I like,
  • Chief,
  • weightwatchers,
  • Box Diet,
  • Croq’Kilos
  • DietExpert,
  • Dietplus,
  • Kitchendiet.

The Comme J’aime program offers a home delivery service for meals concocted on a low-calorie diet.

At the same time, the service sells personalized support by a dietician.

Created in 2010, the company enjoyed its letters of nobility between 2017 and 2019, benefiting from a large advertising campaign in the media.

The objectives are calculated according to the profile and the BMI to decline the weight loss plan in three formulas (balance, basic, dynamic) from 97.25 € to 107.25 € per week.

If the diet allows rapid fat loss, the client’s budget melts very quickly as well. About 100 € per week is indeed very expensive.

Much less expensive, the Weight Watchers program (€17.90 to €22.90 per month) offers light cooking recipes to lose weight.

The services of Kitchendiet, Weight Watchers or even Croq’Kilos are all based on food rebalancing.

Some plans like Cheef also deliver meals at home, others “only” offer recipes to be prepared online, with healthy and dietetic foods.

Others focus on the type of diet to adopt: low-calorie or high-protein diet, for example.

The advantage of opting for a slimming program is to benefit from a personalized coaching service.

Here is a summary of the offers that you will find on the internet:

Remember, however, that the number 1 fat-burning agent remains, in our opinion, sport: combining slimming diet and sports activity puts the odds on your side to regain your ideal weight.

Sport, let’s remember, makes the cardio work, strengthens the abdominal belt and the obliques, helps to firm up the thighs and buttocks, and finally stimulates endurance.

What sport to lose weight should you do? All !

Choose a sporting activity that suits you. However, we recommend swimming, boxing and cycling. At home, you can invest in a treadmill, a rowing machine, an elliptical trainer or an exercise bike which give very good results.

If you don’t want to buy equipment, the squats and other techniques given by your Lille sports coach are also known to quickly slim down the silhouette!

What are the best slimming apps?

The other digital support for slimming, in addition to the website, is obviously the mobile application. What if the secret to stable weight loss was in our phone? More and more slimming and health apps are available on our mobile download platforms.

Are you impatient to get slimmer, and after trying slimming menus, the results are still not up to your expectations? With the applications you will have access to dietary advice, sports sessions, light recipe ideas, a calorie calculator… A precious help on a daily basis.

Still don’t have a flat stomach? Do not panic, Superprof has listed all the applications not to be missed.

Why not call on a Bourges sports coach ?

What are the best online solutions for losing weight?
Swimming and dietetics: two top ingredients for weight loss!

You can test the best slimming applications on the web, here is the list:

  • My Slimming Coach,
  • My Fitness Pal,
  • foodvisor,
  • Cublibo,
  • Lifesum,
  • Fitbit,
  • Seven,
  • weightwatchers,
  • Maia Coach.

By downloading one of these applications, you will be able to motivate yourself on a daily basis. We remind you to set achievable goals and agree to gradually lose weight. To be sustainable, the latter must be done gently.

Don’t expect miracles in a week, or even a month. Only your long-term commitment will be rewarded! So, combine a healthy diet and regular exercise to achieve your physical goals.

Most of these apps offer the possibility to optimize your shopping lists.

You find the right number of calories per day that you can ingest, by changing your eating habits.

The app you have chosen will advise you on healthy recipes: no more plates saturated with fat!

You will also be able to control your weight curve over the weeks.

Take Fitbit, for example.

This mobile solution combines nutrition and diet consulting with regular physical activity.

You buy a connected bracelet to use the app. All synced data shows results on an interactive dashboard.

Fitbit, with its complete offer, has established itself as one of the best mobile applications for losing weight on the market: in 2018, it had nearly 28 million users worldwide!

Mon Coach Minceur is also an application that has the wind in its sails. The app helps you stay on track by guiding you through your lifestyle change.

Here you can access the evolution of your weight curve. Something to motivate and boost yourself when a craving or a drop in energy arises!

With many push notifications, the application acts as a daily coach.

Armed with all these tools, your weight gain should regress, and you can really lose weight at home. Provided you are diligent on the program!

We are certain that you will succeed by implementing good eating habits, a healthy lifestyle, weekly sports sessions. Also our tools will help you manage cravings, fight against snacking and compose balanced meals.

To your good resolutions! And if you want to be coached, Superprof has a network of certified teachers all over France. We are sure that you will find a sports coach in Toulouse or elsewhere to help you in your approach.



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