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【lose weight? ] Commentary on the effects of doing squats every day and recommended menus

lose weight by doing squats every day?”
“What are the benefits of squats?” So, this time, I will explain the effects of squats, recommended menus, and tips. It’s hard to continue squats with doubts and anxiety. First of all, please study the basics in this article and try squats while having fun while producing results

Table of Contents

table of contents

  • Squats are effective every day
  • Daily squats using equipment can be counterproductive
  • 4 benefits of doing squats every day
  • [Daily squat] 5 recommended menus
  • Adequate number of squats per day
  • [Daily squat] What is the 30-day squat challenge?
  • summary

Squats are effective every day

Is it counterproductive to do squats every day?
In conclusion, it is effective to do squats with your own body weight every day.
The muscles of the legs and buttocks that are trained by squats are said to be the largest muscles in the body and account for 60-70% of the muscles in the whole body.
You can expect a high diet effect by stimulating these big muscles.

Daily squats using equipment can be counterproductive

By squatting the large muscles of the legs and buttocks with weights such as barbells and dumbbells instead of your own weight, the load becomes too large, and the muscles may not recover in time and you may end up with “overtraining”. .
Squats using your own body weight are unlikely to cause major damage, and even if you train every day, there is little risk of overtraining, so don’t worry.

4 benefits of doing squats every day

・Advantage 1: You can get a diet effect
・Advantage 2: You can build a body that is hard


Advantages of squats every day ① You can get a diet effect

Squats are a full-body workout that stimulates the core as well as the large muscles of the lower body. Therefore, a lot of calories are consumed by training, and the effect of diet can be expected.

Squatting every day has a positive effect on your posture, so it is the most recommended event for those who want to change their body shape in a stylish way.

Advantages of squats every day ② You can build a body that is hard to gain weight

Focusing on the large muscles of the legs and buttocks, you can train your whole body, so you can expect an increase in your basal metabolism.
Basal metabolism is the minimum amount of energy required for daily life, and accounts for about 70% of the calories consumed in a day.

In other words, by raising your basal metabolism, you will burn more calories even in your daily life without training, and your body will be less likely to gain weight and easier to lose weight.

■Benefits of squats every day ③Tighten your lower body

Your legs will have a moderate amount of muscle, and your lower body will be tightened as your diet progresses. As the calves are called “the second heart”, leg muscles are also greatly related to blood circulation.

By promoting blood circulation through training, fatigue and swelling can be eliminated, and the effect of partial thinning can be expected.

■ Advantages of squats every day ④ You can make it a habit

Dieting and training can be difficult to maintain. By squatting at a fixed time every day, you don’t have to worry about whether to do it or not, and you can easily make it a habit.

[Daily squat] 5 recommended menus

Here are 5 recommended variations of ①wide stance
②narrow stance
③lunge squat
④half squat
⑤cardio squat. By changing the menu, you can continue to have fun without getting bored. If it doesn’t work, it’s a good idea to get advice from a professional trainer or staff at the gym.

■ Recommended squat menu ① Wide stance squat

It is a squat that is performed with wide legs and splits the crotch, and it is an event that tends to concentrate the load especially near the inner thighs.

<Wide stance squat procedure>

(1) Stand with your feet about twice the width of your shoulders and
open your toes outward by 45 degrees.

(2) Slowly lower your body while
keeping your back straight This is a mistake that people tend to make unexpectedly.
Make sure your knees match the toes.
Also, you can increase the load by slowly lowering it over 3 to 5 seconds. ③ It is important to keep your back straight while lowering

your knees until the angle is 90 degrees . ④ Lift your body I’m going to lift my body. Repeat the movement when you return to the starting position.

<Points of wide stance squat>

・Lower your body slowly
・Open your toes and knees
・Straighten your back

■ Recommended squat menu ② Narrow stance squat

A squat with a narrow stance.
The muscles in the front of the thigh are particularly stressed.

<Narrow stance squat procedure>

① When standing with your feet shoulder-width apart,
keep your toes parallel or slightly apart.

(2) Slowly lower your body while keeping your back straight
Lean your body slightly forward and lower your body so that your buttocks stick out behind you to make it smoother.
Also, you can increase the load by slowly lowering it over 3 to 5 seconds. ③ It is important to keep your back straight while

the knees are at a 90 degree angle . ④ Lift your body I’m going to lift my body. Repeat the movement when you return to the starting position.

<Points of narrow stance squat>

・Lower your body slowly
・Push your buttocks back
・Straighten your spine

■ Recommended squat menu ③ Lunge squat

A lunge squat is a squat where you step forward with one leg at a time. Compared to normal squats, the balance tends to deteriorate, and the load on the trunk and legs that are stepped is increased.
It is an event that especially loads the back of the thigh and the muscles of the buttocks.

<Procedure for lunge squat>

(1) With your feet wider than shoulder width and spread forward and
backward as shown in the photo, perform one leg at a time.

② Lower your body
Bend your hips and knees while keeping your back straight and slowly lower your body.
Make sure your knees don’t go past your toes. ③ Lower your body until the knee of the side that stepped forward is

90 degrees before the knee angle is 90 degrees. ④ Extend your knees and hips to lift your body and return to the starting position.

<Points of lunge squat>

・Do one leg at a time
・Open your feet wider than shoulder width
・Perform with your back straight

■ Recommended squat menu ④ Half squat

A squat with shallow knee angles.
Since the load is lighter, it is recommended for squat beginners and those who are worried about their knees.

<Procedure for half stance squat>

(1) Stand with your feet about 1.5 times wider than your shoulders and
open your toes slightly.

(2) Slowly lower your body while keeping your back straight.
Since the load is light, lower slowly over 3 to 5 seconds. (3 ) It is important to keep your back straight during the movement

until the knee angle is 45 to 60 degrees . ④ Lift your body I’m going to lift my body. Repeat the movement when you return to the starting position.

<Points of half stance squat>

・Because the load is light, do it slowly.
・Knee angle is 45 to 60 degrees.
・Straighten your back.

■ Recommended squat menu ⑤ Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise (treadmill, bike, etc.) is not a squat, but by incorporating it into your menu along with squats, you can lose weight and build a tighter body more effectively.
For more cardio you can do at home, see cardio you can do at home when you can’t go to the gym .

Adequate number of squats per day

In training, if the number of times of 1 sets changes, the effect you can expect will also change.
For the relationship between the number of times of training and the effect, please refer to the concept of load (weight) and number of times in machine training .

Let’s take a look at how many squats are appropriate for each day.

■ For diet purposes, 3 sets of 10-12 times are appropriate.

For diet purposes, 3 sets of 10-12 times is a good guideline.
Some people who are accustomed to squats say they can do 30 or 100 squats in one set, but even if you do too many squats in one set, you can’t expect muscle hypertrophy or a diet effect, and you can’t expect muscle endurance. It’s going to be a training that will increase your power.

Limit yourself to 20 at most.

References) Naokata Ishii, “Ultimate Training”, P148, Kodansha

■ When the load is too low for a self-weight squat

10-12 times is suitable for dieting, but if the training goes smoothly, your body will get used to it and the load will become lighter with your own weight. In such cases, you can increase the resistance by lowering your body more slowly.

Also, in order to achieve a weight that can be stimulated in 10-12 times, it is highly effective to go to the gym and use weights (dumbbells and barbells).

The fitness club Ko Spa has a full range of facilities and services, and offers many programs that are effective for dieting.
You can also receive support and personal training from the staff, and ask if you have any problems while training at your own pace. You can have an efficient and effective diet.

5 tips for daily squats

Tips 1. Tips for doing correct form
2. Tips for resting when muscle pain is severe
3. Tips for not pushing yourself too hard
4. Tips for eating and resting 5. Increase
variation Let’s take a closer look at each.

■ Daily squat tips ① Use correct form

If you lose your form, you will not be able to get the desired effect because the target area will not be stimulated. The risk of injuries and breakdowns also increases, so please prioritize learning the correct form first.
Checking your form in front of a mirror or taking a video is recommended because you can objectively check your form.

■ Tips for squatting every day ② Rest when muscle pain is severe

The leg, butt, and core muscles that squats work are all large muscles that take time to recover.
Muscle pain is a measure of recovery that inflammation remains and has not recovered.

It’s important to continue doing squats regularly until your body gets
used to
them .

■ Tips for squats every day ③ Don’t push too hard

If you squat every day, the higher the load, the easier it is to remain fatigued.
You don’t need to push yourself to the point where you can’t stand up unless you want your muscles to grow huge.

Sufficient diet effect can be expected just by stimulating the muscles moderately.

■ Tips for squats every day ④ Pay attention to meals and rest

You need to grow your muscles to raise your basal metabolism and succeed in an efficient diet. In addition to training, diet and rest are important for muscle growth.

Pay attention to the calorie intake and PFC balance (protein, lipid, and carbohydrate intake balance) in your meals, and by getting enough sleep and resting your body, you will accelerate the effect of your diet.

■ Daily squat tips ⑤ Increase variations

By having variations in the squat, the type of stimulation changes, and more parts can be stimulated in a well-balanced manner.
By stimulating many muscles, you can train in a well-balanced manner, such as “upping your hips”, “creating a slim waist”, and “creating smart legs”.

[Daily squat] What is the 30-day squat challenge?

The 30-day squat challenge is a diet program that has caught fire in the United States and is also popular in Japan, mainly on SNS.

■ Basic rules of the 30-day squat challenge

・Start from 50 times/day and aim for 250 times/day after 30 days. ・Repeat
squats for 3 days and rest for 1 day . 50 to 250 times may seem like a lot, but you can do it in one day, so even a pace like 20 times in the morning, 20 times in the afternoon, and 10 times in the evening will clear the course.

■ Benefits of the 30-day squat challenge

The biggest advantage is that the rules are clearly defined, and even those with weak wills can easily continue.
As you continue following the program, you will gradually increase the number of sessions, so the second half will be tougher, but if you look for it on SNS, you will find friends who are working hard at the same time, and it is a great advantage that it is easy to maintain your motivation. hey.


Squats are an effective exercise that trains the entire body, focusing on the large muscles of the lower body.
Exercise consumes a large amount of energy, increases basal metabolism, and promotes blood circulation, so it is the most recommended event for those who want to lose weight.

We recommend going to the gym for those who are not good at continuing, those who are worried about their form, and those who have become accustomed to the load of their own weight.

At the fitness club Koh Spa, you can receive guidance and advice from professional trainers. By learning the correct form and training at the gym, and at the same time combining the pool, aerobic machines, and various programs, you can expect an efficient and speedy diet effect.



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