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HomeWORKOUTBenefits of Running Every Morning

Benefits of Running Every Morning

Running is one of the most popular exercises in the world. It can be done in gyms, outside or on the track, so it can be done without the need for much equipment. In addition to these, the duration of the run and the time period in which it takes place can also affect the efficiency of this exercise.

Running in the morning is one of the more preferred time periods with the warming of the weather and is frequently preferred due to its benefits. If you have decided to do a morning jog, you can browse the jogging types and choose the one that suits you, and organize your program accordingly.

Running Types

There are many different running styles, each with their own unique purpose and benefits. The most known and preferred species can be explained as follows:

Basic run: The basic run, which is generally preferred, is quite simple. This exercise, which lasts for about 10 km, can be explained as short and medium-length runs. One of the important features of this run is that you can do it at your natural pace.

Long-distance running: Long runs are similar to basic running, but stand out in that they are done at the same speed over a longer distance of about 15-20 km. These runs help improve your fitness and endurance.

Interval running: Interval running, which can be explained as short and intense runs with short intervals in between, repeated several times, is increasing in popularity. In this type of run, you are expected to increase or decrease your speed within the lengths you determine yourself. For example; You can use your natural speed for 1 kilometer, increase your speed for 500 meters and then return to your own speed.

Recovery runs: Slow runs after more challenging runs, such as uphill repetitions, to add extra distance to your running routine are called recovery runs. For example, after a more intense and challenging run, a slow jog for 4 minutes at a comfortable pace will help you.

7 Benefits of Morning Run

Morning jogging stands out with its useful features for the future as well as its features that will relieve daily life.

As for these benefits…


You Start Your Day Fresh

Regular jogging in the morning can help you achieve a routine every morning and therefore increase the efficiency you will get from this routine. In fact, the stable benefits of running combined with morning sun and oxygen also allow for better performance. In addition to these, exercising before starting your daily life is known as one of the best ways to prepare and wake up your body for the day. Therefore, if you want to spend your day energetic and fit, you can regularly run in the morning.


You Burn More Calories

Running and walking are the most preferred exercises by those who want to burn calories. Running, in particular, is known to be a great option for burning calories because many muscles work together during running. Additionally; The difference between the calories burned by running and the calories burned by other exercises is supported by research and the demand for running is increasing day by day. In addition, if you care about weight control, going for a run before breakfast can speed up your goals.


May Suppress Appetite

It is known that many people try to reduce their calorie intake by eating less or changing the food they eat. If you have adopted such a method, you can reach clearer results by adding exercise to your life. Running exercise can help control your appetite when it’s high-intensity. The reason of this; This can be explained as the ability of high-intensity running to suppress levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin and to produce more satiety hormones such as peptide YY (PYY).


May reduce the risk of falls in later life

Running regularly can reduce your risk of falling later in life. According to one study, older adults who run regularly may be less likely to fall because their leg muscles respond faster. Therefore, running allows your leg muscles to strengthen in such a way that you can feel the effect for years.


Provides Mental Strengthening

Running regularly in the morning; can help the heart work more regularly and effectively. When you run, your heart pumps blood faster, which can increase the level of oxygen entering the body and help you become mentally stronger. In this way, increasing oxygen intake in the morning can have a positive effect on mental performance.


May Have a Positive Effect on Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance occurs when cells in your body don’t respond to insulin, the hormone that keeps blood sugar in check. Running workouts can reduce insulin resistance. Researches; He mentions that the reduction in body fat and inflammation may be effective behind the improvement in insulin resistance. This can be explained by the fact that regular morning jogging helps to get rid of excess weight and fat by increasing the calorie burn, and subsequently reducing insulin resistance.


May Help Protect You from the Negative Effects of Stress

Whether you are a yogi or a fitness enthusiast, it is inevitable to encounter stress in everyday life. Morning jogging can protect the brain from the harmful effects of stress. Running regularly can help reduce the negative effects we feel when we encounter stress. In this way, you can start the day with a clearer mind and cope with daily stressors in a healthier way.



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