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Commentary on time and distance to maximize the effect of jogging

hello everyone.

Are you thinking “I want to lose weight by jogging” or “Should I start jogging for my health?”

You want to use your time effectively and jog efficiently.

Therefore, this time, we will introduce the best time, distance, time of day, season, etc. for jogging.

Best time and distance for jogging

From here, we will introduce the optimal time, distance, and intervals for jogging.

■ Jogging time is 30 to 60 minutes once, distance is 2 to 8 km

If you jog for diet purposes, the time per jog is from 30 minutes.
This is because after about 20 minutes of aerobic exercise such as jogging, it becomes easier to convert fat into energy.

So, by running for about +10 minutes, you will be able to get the diet effect efficiently.

In terms of distance and speed, the distance is 2km to 8km, and the speed is 4km to 8km.

Speeds below 4km/h are no different from walking, and speeds above 8km/h are no different from running

■ However, it is important not to get too excited from the beginning.

■ However, it is important not to get too excited from the beginning.
At first, you will be very enthusiastic, but the most important thing is to make sure that your body is not overstretched.

We recommend that you start where you can and gradually increase the time and distance as you go, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and so on.

For example, set a specific goal, such as aiming for 30 minutes and 3 km in a month.

Of course, if you have no physical problems, you can try 30 minutes.

Jogging is a light exercise that takes your breath away, so please adjust the speed and distance to suit you.

■ Jogging 2-3 times a week

■ Jogging 2-3 times a week
The number of times that the diet effect by jogging increases more is 2 to 3 times a week.

This is the ideal number of times to avoid injury, wait for muscle recovery, and continue.

For example, “I run every Wednesday and Friday. My backup day is Saturday. If it’s really hard, I’ll take a day off.”

It takes 48-72 hours for muscles to recover after exercise.

Even if you don’t feel tired, jogging every day can cause muscle fatigue and increase the risk of injury.

So please stop running every day and do it after you recover properly.

When is the best time for jogging: morning, noon, evening, or night?

“When is the best time to jog in the day?” “Is it morning or noon? Evening or night?”

From here, we will introduce the advantages and disadvantages of each time zone.

Advantages and disadvantages of morning hours

Advantages and disadvantages of morning hours
The advantage is that it has a high fat burning effect.

Since I am fasting during sleep and there is little sugar in my body, if I run before breakfast, it will turn fat into energy.

Also, jogging first thing in the morning will improve your blood circulation and make the most of your time in the morning.

The downside is lack of sleep and an increased risk of injury.

This is because you will wake up an hour or two earlier than usual.

Don’t start running when your body is still not fully awake, but stretch carefully until your body warms up before running.

Advantages and disadvantages of daytime hours

Advantages and disadvantages of daytime hours
The advantage is less risk of injury.
This is because the body is most active during the day.
Plus, it’s bright, so you can enjoy the scenery while you run.
The disadvantage is that the risk of heat stroke is high.
You should bring water with you when you go jogging, but even so, it is better to avoid days when the temperature exceeds 25°C.
Also, it is a disadvantage that the risk of increasing spots and freckles due to sunburn increases.
UV rays fall not only in summer, but also in spring and autumn.
We recommend that you take proper precautions during that season, such as applying sunscreen and wearing a hat.
Advantages and disadvantages of evening hours

Advantages and disadvantages of evening hoursThis time period is the most recommended because it has the benefits of high fat burning effect, cool and bright, and active body.

Before dinner, the food you ate at lunch is fully digested, so it is highly effective in burning fat.

In addition, the risk of injury is low because the body is active, and it is still bright, so it is safe enough.

In addition, after 16:00, the risk of sunburn due to UV rays is considerably reduced.

It is desirable to jog during this time if possible.
The disadvantage is that it is difficult to find time to jog at this time.
There are various reasons, such as working at a company or preparing dinner for a family member.

Also, in the summer, the temperature is still high even in the evening, and there are times when sudden and violent showers called guerrilla downpours occur.

If the temperature is over 25 degrees Celsius or if it rains, we recommend that you cancel in principle without overdoing it.

Also, in winter, the sun sets around 17:00, so be sure to choose a well-lit road with street lights.

Advantages and disadvantages of night time

Advantages and disadvantages of night time
The advantage is that it’s dark and less crowded, so you can focus on jogging.

You don’t have to worry too much about your appearance, so it’s easy to exercise.

Another advantage is that you don’t have to get sunburned and you can easily gather people to jog with you.

The disadvantage is that it is difficult to see your feet depending on where you are running because it is dark, which increases the risk of injury and traffic accidents.

If possible, choose a street with streetlights and wide sidewalks.
Also, being physically active can negatively affect sleep.
So try to finish it 2-3 hours before bedtime.
In addition, try stretching and gentle walking to relax your body.

Does the jogging time and number of times per week change depending on the season?

Japan has four seasons, but the standard of jogging for 30-60 minutes at a time and 2-3 times a week is the same throughout the year.

However, summer, winter, spring and autumn each have their own characteristics, so depending on the day’s weather and your physical condition, increase or decrease the amount of water.

I recommend jogging so that you can continue to have fun without becoming a ruler.

From here, we will introduce the characteristics of each season

■ Features of summer

■ Features of summer
Summer is the hottest time of the year.
Exercising in summer increases the risk of heat stroke.

Depending on the day, there are days when outdoor activities themselves are dangerous.

During this time, try to jog early in the morning or at night when the temperature is cooler.

If the temperature is above 25°C, try to avoid it as much as possible.
During this period, we recommend jogging at a gym where a constant temperature is maintained.

■ Features of winter

Winter is the best season for jogging.
This is actually the best time to burn fat.
This is because your basal metabolism increases to withstand the cold.
Make a plan to actively jog.

However, the cold will cause your muscles to contract and the risk of injury is high, so be sure to stretch carefully beforehand.

Also, depending on the area, if the road surface is frozen, there is a risk of falling, so please stop.

■ Characteristics of spring and autumn

■ Characteristics of spring and autumn
Spring and autumn are the best seasons for jogging as temperatures and climates are mild, neither too cold nor too hot.

However, since it is the season when you feel positive, you need to be careful not to get too excited.

Also, the temperature changes easily between seasons, so please check the situation and change the time zone.

■ Characteristics of the rainy season

The rainy season lasts from the end of May to the end of June, and sometimes until the first half of July.

It’s been raining for a long time this time of year, and even when the rain stops, it’s still damp and uncomfortable.

In order to continue jogging, it is important to overcome this season when physical condition tends to get worse.
Please go jogging when the rain stops.
We recommend jogging at a gym that is kept comfortable.


I have introduced the time and timing of jogging, but the numbers are just a guideline.

Please adjust according to your physical condition.

In addition, it is important to continue jogging, but in winter it is cold and it is easy to become passive, and in the rainy season it is difficult to get into the mood, and in summer it is very hot.

Please consider actively using the gym so that you do not stop at this time.

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