Saturday, October 5, 2024


We often tend to underestimate the potential of cardio. Of course, a jogging session or a bike ride two or three times a week is always better than staying on your couch. But to get real results, you’ll be most effective by combining low and high intensity exercises.

And that’s where HIIT and low-intensity cardio gets really interesting. These sports each have their advantages and their usefulness: by combining them, you will lose weight, increase your muscular strength, and improve your endurance.


This is the type of aerobic cardiovascular exercise that we all include in our training plans without even knowing it. The objective: to provide a constant and regular effort throughout the session. Doing laps in the pool or running a half-marathon are two good examples of a low-intensity cardio workout.

“Low-intensity cardio helps you train to maintain your effort and pace for longer,” says Christian Jonsson, Polar Ambassador and CrossFit and obstacle course expert.

“You don’t have to be super motivated to do this kind of exercise every day. I would even say that it is easier to train daily and avoid injuries . »

For his part, Jonsson incorporates this type of exercise (running, rowing, walking, etc.) into his training plan two to three times a week.

“I monitor my effort by keeping an eye on my heart rate or my heart rate zone,” continues Jonsson. “To be in the right zone, I have to be between 140 and 150 bpm, it’s a rhythm that I can maintain for an extended period of time. In view of a competition, it is also possible to do more intense cardio exercises. »


HIIT is the acronym for “High Intensity Interval Training”, high intensity interval training in French.

This is a type of cardio workout that is typically done on a circuit. Each circuit has a time limit, often no more than a few minutes, followed by recovery time. It should be done at around 80% of your maximum heart rate . HIIT has been a smash hit in recent years.

Its many benefits are the reason for its popularity: boosting metabolism, weight loss, lowering blood pressure and building muscle.

“With HIIT exercises , the progress is really visible: I do more reps in less time, I lift heavier weights… It’s a very effective workout, but it won’t be suitable if you practice ultrarunning  ” , says Jonsson.

“There is nothing better than interval training to help you achieve your best performance and gain speed! These exercises also teach you how to better control your heart rate, and even lower it . You are also getting your body used to getting a very high heart rate and feeling pain. This will help keep you from collapsing with every sustained effort. »

This style of lightning training has seduced its supporters thanks to the results it promises, but also because it is very easy to set up. HIIT exercises require little or no equipment and are not very time-consuming, a real plus for busy athletes.

Because of the stress HIIT places on the body, Jonsson recommends limiting yourself to one or two such workouts per week: interval training , CrossFit, sprints, or any other exercise that requires a high heart rate and little recovery time. When training in the gym, our expert likes to combine HIIT with a weight training session.

“During my HIIT sessions, I monitor my heart rate and heart rate zones. I try to stay around 160 bpm, up to a maximum of 187 bpm. Beyond that, I can no longer continue, ”says Jonsson. “I always wear a sports watch that measures heart rate , I just have to take a quick look to know where I am. »


HIIT and low-intensity cardio deserve to be on your workout plan just as much. Of course, it’s up to you to determine when to favor one or the other of these workouts, depending on your own goals and physical ability.

“I love HIIT, it’s fast and effective, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution either. For example, if you lift weights, you better not have a very high heart rate,” says Jonsson. “In fact, you have to know the goal you want to achieve, the goal you are training for. »


While these two exercises each have proven benefits, they also have their downsides. HIIT requires a lot of explosive movements, which can cause injury when not done correctly. It is not a sport for beginners.

Low-intensity cardio is more time-consuming. It can be a source of injury if practiced in excess. It is also a sport that sometimes leads to performance plateaus. Before reviewing your entire program yourself, it is best to consult a trainer or fitness professional. He will be able to control the smooth running of your training and monitor your performance.

So, HIIT or low-intensity cardio? “In my opinion, both are equally important if you want to establish a solid foundation,” says Jonsson. “For example, you can recover after an intense HIIT session by doing low-intensity cardio. »

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