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HomeRUNNINGHow to Start Running? How to Develop a Running Habit?

How to Start Running? How to Develop a Running Habit?

Basic Information for Beginners in Running

It is recommended that beginners learn the basics about the benefits of running, the equipment used, and the various types of running. This will increase your enjoyment of running and make your workout more effective.

Key Benefits of Running

Running generally brings both physical and mental benefits. As a beginner, keeping the benefits of running in mind will be very useful for continuing this sport. You can also take steps to make it a habit by reminding yourself why you run [1] .

Running is one of the most effective ways to improve cardiovascular endurance. Whether you run in the gym or outdoors, running is an ideal exercise to regulate your heart rate and improve your fitness [2] .

Speaking of running outdoors, it is also worth mentioning the mental benefits it brings along with the effect it brings in nature. Running can significantly reduce both stress and anxiety. It has a positive effect on your mood and provides a calmer mental activity [3] .

Among the physical benefits of running, it is possible to discover many benefits such as accelerating metabolism, balancing high cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and increasing lung capacity. With its effect of accelerating metabolism, running can also be one of the most effective types of exercise preferred for weight loss [4] .

If you want to continue running workouts as a habit, another of the most basic benefits that can encourage you is that you don’t need fancy equipment. Running exercise, which is relatively cheap compared to other types of workouts, can be done anywhere you want. If you don’t want to run on a rainy day, you can choose the treadmill at the gym, and if you want to enjoy nature, you can create a running route!

Basic Types of Running

As a beginner, running may seem like a very simple workout. However, there are different types of running that you can explore. You can spice up your running workouts by choosing the one that best suits your goals, style or preference.

  • Road Running : It is one of the most popular types of running that involves running on asphalt, paths or pavement. It can be recommended especially for beginners.

  • Treadmill Running : If the weather conditions or roads do not allow it, you can always find a treadmill. Treadmills provide a workout that simulates outdoor conditions for most professional runners. It allows you to shape the exercise as you want with the advantage of adjusting the speed, incline and resistance.
  • Running Race : Running can be done for fun as well as for competition. There are many running race routes from 5 km to half or full marathons. In addition, race rules can be determined according to the terrain, path or track of the run.
  • Trail Running : This is a type of running that is usually done on various rugged terrains from forests to mountains. The trees, streams and steep hills included in the course can make you feel like a warrior!

Basic Running Equipment

In order to get the most out of your run and not compromise on comfort, you can make sure that you have all your basic running equipment. Equipment may vary depending on the type of run, the track and the weather conditions. However, the basic running accessories that every runner should have are as follows [5] :

  • Running Shoes: Running shoes are one of the most basic pieces of equipment designed to reduce the pressure or impact that running puts on the feet. It is possible to discover many different designs in terms of cushioning, stability and movement control.
  • Running Clothes: Clothes designed for running are lightweight. They have a flexible structure that adapts to you as you move. It is recommended that you choose running clothes that are designed with fabrics that do not irritate the skin and that allow air to pass through. It may also be beneficial to choose fabrics that balance body temperature when running outdoors.
  • Sunglasses: One of the most annoying aspects of running on a sunny day is the sun’s rays burning your eyes. Running sunglasses block harmful UVA and UVB rays and aim to protect both the eyes and the skin around them.
  • Water Bottle: It is very important to stay hydrated while running. Runners can choose to carry handheld water bottles as well as hydration packs.
  • Sunscreen: You need to protect your skin from the sun when running outdoors. You can prevent sunburn and skin blemishes with creams that have a sun protection factor of at least 15.

Tips for Gaining a Running Habit

Gaining the habit of running can sometimes be harder than you think. Just like other exercises, running starts with a mental desire and takes shape with physical action. Before turning this process into a habit, it is useful to take a look at the “habit loop” process that explains how we can make anything permanent.

The habit loop involves a neurological process that consists of three parts: “cue, routine, and reward.” A cue is any trigger that tells your mind that it’s time to perform a certain behavior. A routine is when the behavior is performed, while a reward is something your brain likes and associates with the behavior [6] .

Considering the habit loop when forming a running habit can help ensure that the workout becomes continuous. Now, let’s take a look at the tips for forming a running habit, while also taking the habit loop into consideration [7] .

Make Room in Your Routines

The routines you set in your daily life may include behaviors that you want to do or have to do. For example, doing your skin care routine before going to bed at night may have become a routine for you. It is important to make room to add a new routine to the routines you create during the day.

To be able to run regularly, you need to change the perception of “I don’t have time”. You can wake up early to do your running workout before work, or you can take your running clothes with you to do your workout after work. Your mind starts to create cues when you start making room for running in your routine. For example, if you wake up early at any time and your mind immediately comes to running, it is a positive sign that you are forming a habit.

Schedule Running Workouts in Your Calendar

Planning can be very effective when forming habits. When you have a training plan, your mind can more easily translate cues into behavior. For example, you can record which days or times of the week you want to run. Setting reminders on your calendar can also encourage you.

Prepare Your Running Clothes

Speaking of creating clues, how about moving forward with visible clues? Seeing your running shoes and clothes on your couch when you get home from work or wake up in the morning can encourage you to follow a routine. Also, preparing your clothes in advance will save you time and get you ready for training right away.

Get a Running Buddy

If running is an activity that can be postponed when you are alone, we can recommend that you get yourself a running buddy. Because it is easy to make excuses for yourself, but convincing a responsible friend may not be that easy. The most ideal candidates for a running buddy are people who have self-management habits and are responsible. You can make the running process more social by sharing your training plan with them. Also, participating in group running events can be beneficial for the routine.

Define Why You Run

Another tip for creating a routine is to think about your why. Why do you run? Why did you want to make running a habit? To lose weight, get in better shape, improve your heart health, or reduce stress… Find your why and let it motivate you to run. You can also think of it as a reward.

Set a Goal

One of the most effective ways to stay motivated is to set goals. Working toward and achieving a goal can be extremely rewarding. You can help form habits by identifying a goal you want to work toward. For example, goals like running your first 5K or running for 30 minutes straight can motivate you to reach the next one.

Reward Yourself After the Run

Whether it’s a square of chocolate, an episode of your favorite series, or a delicious drink! Rewarding yourself after a run can help your mind form habits more easily. This way, by establishing the connection between the reward and running, it can send you alerts so that you’re more motivated to go for your next run.

Ways to Increase Running Motivation

The excitement and determination you felt when you first started running may fade over time. This is normal, running can be a tough workout that requires physical activity. However, increasing your running motivation will help you form a habit.

There are a few methods that runners use to stay motivated that you can adopt. The first is that many runners find a running buddy or join a running group. Groups that focus on the social aspects of running or groups that run for a common goal can help you run more motivated, too.

Another way to boost motivation is to run with music. A playlist of your favorite songs can be a great way to stay energized, especially on long runs. It’s also worth remembering that there are pros and cons to using headphones when running outdoors. You should always keep in mind that you need to ensure your own safety first.

Another way to encourage you to keep a running habit is to keep an exercise journal. A journal that records the highs and lows of your running experience will also help you track your progress. You can look back at your journal whenever you want as evidence of the hard work you put in. On days when you’re feeling unmotivated, you can look back at your running achievements to find the energy you need to exercise.

Another tip is to surround yourself with motivational quotes for running. Quotes from talented runners or quotes that inspire you can make you look forward to your running workouts. You can place motivational quotes in your workplace, on your desk, on your phone screen or even on the walls of your home. Coming across energizing quotes wherever you look can help you ignite your excitement.

In conclusion, habit formation is not always easy. When you start running, considering your reasons can be beneficial in terms of increasing both your motivation and excitement. With the benefits it brings, running can help you turn your exercise routine into a habit. Before you start running, you can define your own reason, get equipment that will make you feel motivated, set goals and make plans. Whether it is for physical fitness or mental calmness, running is always one of the most effective exercises you can do.


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