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HomeGymNew Normally Is It Safe To Go To The Gyms?

New Normally Is It Safe To Go To The Gyms?

These days, when the COVID-19 pandemic is still under its influence, new restrictions have come to our door with the increase in cases. This news, which not only affects business and daily life, but also means that the training routines of sports enthusiasts need to be reorganized, brought up some questions again. ‘When will the gyms open?’ The question ‘are the gyms open?’, ‘will the gyms be closed’, ‘how long are the gyms open?’ left with questions such as: We wanted to both clarify these issues and draw attention to the safety of gymnasiums in the new normal. In this article, we have examined for you how gyms can be used in the new normal, based on the circular issued by the Ministry of Health about the restrictions.

What Does the Circular of Gyms Say?

We can say that the COVID-19 pandemic, which radically changed our lives, affected many areas of life as well as changed the culture of the gym. It will not be possible to do sports as before in gyms for a long time, including during and perhaps after the pandemic . However, it is also possible to do sports in a way that minimizes risk factors with some precautions to be taken by businesses and athletes.

After the first restriction, we were able to return to the halls with the circular issued by the Ministry of Health regarding the use of gymnasiums. Thanks to the sensitivity of the athletes and businesses that can easily adapt to the conditions, the new normal gyms have been made possible to train with less risk. Thanks to this harmony and sensitivity, ‘are the gyms open in the new restriction period?’ We can answer the question affirmatively. However, of course, on the condition that both the old and the new circular apply…


According to the circular of the gyms, which will be valid in the restrictions that will become active in the coming days, training will be possible within the framework of the following rules:

  • There must be a distance of at least 2 meters between each athlete.
  • Athletes should use face shields while training
  • Athletes should be positioned so that 1 person per 10 square meters
  • Natural ventilation should be provided in gyms (air conditioning is prohibited)
  • Temperature should be taken when athletes enter the gym.
  • Team sports and group exercises should not be done in gyms.

What Precautions Have Been Taken in Gyms?

In addition to the gymnasium circular, the risk ratio has been gradually reduced with the help of some measures applied by the gyms. In many businesses, including sports halls with Sporcard, the following rules will be applied in addition to the circular:

  • At the entrance to the gym, athletes will replace their existing shoes with clean shoes that have not been worn outside.
  • A certain number of athletes will be admitted to the gyms by creating an appointment system.
  • The training time in the gym will not exceed 1 hour for each athlete.
  • Common areas such as dressing room, cabin and shower in the living room will be closed to use.
  • While using sports equipment, athletes will be able to disinfect their hands with disinfectants before and after training


It is also very important to take personal precautions. In addition to applications such as using towels, washing hands at regular intervals while using sports equipment, frequent use of disinfectants and not neglecting social distance rules are among the factors that reduce risk factors.

For more detailed information on the precautions, ‘What kind of measures were taken when opening the sports halls with Sporcard?’ You can browse our content.

How Long Are The Gyms Open?

Within the scope of the additional measures published by the Ministry, there is no answer to the questions of whether the gyms will be closed or their activities will be suspended for now. However, there is no indication that it will be closed. In this case, the athletes ask ‘how long are the gyms open?’ turns to the question.

Unless there is a change in the published circular, gyms will be open within the scope of all measures taken within the scope of COVID-19. However, since there is a restriction to go out between 21.00 and 05.00 on weekdays, the gyms can only be used for the rest of the time. Due to the restriction that will be applied throughout the weekend, the gyms will not be available on the weekend.



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