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HomeFitness AdviceStationary bike: what effects does physical exercise have and after how long...

Stationary bike: what effects does physical exercise have and after how long is it visible? Hints and tips

Table of Contents:
  1. Exercising on a stationary bike: what does it look like?
  2. Stationary bike training: what effects can I expect?
  3. Effects of exercise on the stationary bicycle
  4. How long before you see the effects of exercising on a stationary bike?
  5. How do you exercise on a stationary bike to lose weight?

Training on a stationary bike slims the figure, burns fat, strengthens the lower body or helps to strengthen the form after an injury. Regular physical exercises will bring the first visible results after only one month. What are the effects of stationary cycling and what should training look like to be effective?

Riding a stationary bike can be a separate training unit or a form of warm-up before weight training, running or general training at home. Exercises of different intensities can be performed on this machine – mainly cardio (aerobic) or intervals – . The first form of effort takes place in the range of 60-70% of the maximum heart rate , i.e. the so-called HRmax or MHR (the easiest way to calculate it is with the formula MHR = 220 – age, multiply the result obtained by 0.6 and 0 .7 to get the heart rate range) and is suitable for burning adipose tissue . The second type of exercise is high intensity training (85-92% HRmax) to improve endurance. This involves alternating cycling at a high heart rate with periods of active rest (eg 2 minutes of high effort and 1 minute of easy pedaling). In the case of recreational cycling, it is advisable to fall within a range of 65-85% of your maximum heart rate .

Depending on your training level, you can set up your own workout, use the bike’s built-in programs (eg burn, resistance, strength, etc.), use a mobile app with a ready-made training plan, or participate to online training.

The great advantage of exercising on a stationary bike is that it does not require special training. All you need is:

  • shoes with a firm sole, which ensures a stable position on the pedals (a too soft sole will cause discomfort when the foot presses on the pedal and will wear out quickly);
  • functional, non-restrictive and breathable sportswear (long or 7/8 leggings or shorts and t-shirt).

Optionally, you can buy cycling gloves to ensure a firm grip and prevent, for example, skin opening or hands slipping on the handlebars.

It is important to prepare your cardio equipment properly for the ride . The saddle should be at hip height (stand on a flat, level surface next to the bike, use your fingers to find the tops of your hips). The handlebars must be level with the seat.

An interesting alternative to stationary cycling at home is group classes in fitness clubs called spinning or indoor cycling . They are led by an instructor (often a professional cyclist) on specialized bikes and involve simulating riding on real terrain. Descents, sprints, flat or mountain sections are simulated to the beat of appropriately selected music. The classes vary in intensity and, thanks to the push of a button and the ability to increase the resistance independently, according to the training level and needs of each individual, it is a form of exercise suitable for almost everyone (including the elderly, people who returning from a knee injury or those starting to play sports).

Stationary cycling is associated with many beneficial effects for the body:

  • improving the cardiovascular system;
  • reduction of blood pressure;
  • increasing leg muscle strength;
  • increase in lung capacity;
  • improving the function of the immune system;
  • stimulation of metabolism;
  • support in the fight against excess weight;
  • slimming the silhouette and sculpting the lower body;
  • fat reduction;
  • does not stress the joints, especially the knees;
  • body firmness;
  • improving well-being;
  • the release of endorphins, or hormones of happiness;
  • stress reduction.

Training on a stationary bike is a good option not only when you want to lose weight or improve your general strength. It is useful for knee rehabilitation . Cycling does not stress the joints, helps strengthen the muscles responsible for the functioning of the knee joint (including the quadriceps of the thigh), increases the range of motion, improves stabilization and nourishes the cartilage. Remember to position your bike properly, ride with light loads and in a seated position (don’t use the standing position).

The great advantage of the stationary bike is that it can be used regardless of the weather, so it is an excellent alternative for cyclists and bike enthusiasts for the autumn and winter period, when the conditions outside are not conducive to training and keeping in shape.

Exercise on a stationary bike most engages the lower body (including quadriceps and biceps femoris, calf triceps and glutes: large, medium and small), which become leaner and stronger as a result of regular exercise.

Legs, thighs and calves

A popular myth about the effects of frequent stationary cycling is that it overdevelops the leg muscles (especially the calves). In reality, to have legs as strongly muscled as professional cyclists or bodybuilders, you need to apply additional strength training with an external load and perform a small number of repetitions of a certain exercise with a maximum weight. Meanwhile, exercise on a stationary bike is continuous and focuses on strengthening muscle strength and improving performance rather than building physique.

Regular exercise on a stationary bike will give your thighs, buttocks and calves a beautiful figure. They will also help to increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, which makes them an effective way to fight cellulite.

Stomach and back

The abdominal and back muscles in cycling are mainly responsible for maintaining a stable position, especially when pedaling while standing up and when pulling the leg up. Less abdominal involvement during seated cycling makes stationary bike training suitable for pregnant women. It’s a good idea to consult your doctor about this form of exercise, and remember to set up the correct equipment and pedal at a relaxed pace.


Their involvement in the race is greater, with a strongly reclining position in the seated position, balancing the body standing only once during simulated descents or climbs. Also, the arms work a lot when spinning fast or when pedaling with a lot of resistance.

One month of systematic training – 3 times a week for 20-40 minutes each (depending on your condition) is enough to notice the first effects of exercising on a stationary bike . The proportions of your figure will change slightly, which will be visible in your clothes. Instead of using a scale, use a tape measure, measure your girths in critical areas at the beginning of your aerobic training adventure , record and measure again after a month.

Performance and endurance will improve – spinning will no longer be as tiring as in the first activities, lung capacity will increase, making breathing more regular, and shortness of breath will no longer be a problem.

In order for exercise on a stationary bike to lead to weight loss, it is necessary to carry out the training systematically, in the specified heart rate ranges and to follow a balanced diet. Choose to exercise 2-3 times a week for 30-40 minutes at 60-70% HRmax and gradually increase your training by maintaining appropriate intervals. As you improve your physical condition, you can increase the frequency of training to 4 times a week. You can also train at a slightly higher heart rate zone of 65-75% to burn more calories. Don’t forget recovery, which is essential to give your body time to cool down after a long workout and regain energy. It’s a good idea to do a workout every other day.

During a one-hour ride on a stationary bike, we can burn between 300 and 800 kcal . The final result depends on many factors, including age, weight, training level and intensity of effort.


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