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Stretching before going to bed is recommended! Effective for diet and sound sleep

hello everyone.
Today I will explain thoroughly about “stretching before going to bed”.

So,wme of you may be wondering, “Does it actually work?”

In addition to “diet effect” and “relief of stiff shoulders”, it also leads to “deep sleep”, so in addition to physical changes, it has positive effects on work and mental aspects.

This time, in addition to the 6 effects of stretching before going to bed,
11 recommended stretching methods for each problem
, points to note
, and 2 recommended goods
will be explained in an easy-to-understand manner with images and specific procedures.
After reading the benefits of stretching in this article, you’ll want to make sure you stretch every night before you go to bed.

6 benefits of stretching before bed

[Effect 1] Relaxing effect
[Effect 2] Recovering from fatigue
[Effect 3] Sleeping soundly
[Effect 4] Body conditioning
[Effect 5] Relieving stress
[Effect 6] Weight loss

There are six effects. We will introduce each in detail.

Effect of stretching before going to bed ①Relaxation effect

Stretching before bed can help relax your mind and body.

Rather than hard stretching that raises your heart rate, stretching in a relaxed and comfortable range actually lowers your blood pressure and heart rate and activates the parasympathetic nervous system.

When the parasympathetic nervous system works predominantly, it leads to a state of relaxation both physically and mentally.

Effect of stretching before going to bed ② Recovery from fatigue

By incorporating stretching before going to bed, you can also expect the effect of fatigue recovery.

Your body, which has been working hard all day long, is suffering more damage than you can imagine.

You may not feel tired during the day, but fatigue is certainly accumulating in your body.

If you don’t recover from that fatigue, you may find yourself feeling tired and sore at the beginning of the weekend.

By stretching your body for a few minutes at the end of the day, you will be able to control your fatigue without going to a massage parlor or osteopathic clinic.

Effect of stretching before going to bed ③ You can sleep soundly

Stretching before bed improves the quality of sleep, so you can expect a sound sleep effect.

If you have trouble falling asleep or
waking up many times in the middle of the night
, your mind and body may not be ready for sleep.

Sleep has a cycle, and while sleeping, “REM sleep” where you dream and “non-REM sleep” where you rest your brain fluctuates in a cycle of about 90 minutes, gradually preparing to wake up in the morning. increase.

By stretching at the same time every day, you can adjust your rhythm and create a natural rhythm for falling asleep.

Effect of stretching before going to bed ④ Get your body ready

Stretching before bed can also be expected to have the effect of trimming the body.

Just as it is important to take care of your mind, it is also very important to take care of your body.

Stretching is one of the ways you can easily adjust your body by yourself.
In order to live a more active daily life, it is very important to use the body efficiently and move without pain.

If you don’t take care of yourself, you may not be able to get the desired effect even if you train, or you may even get hurt.

Stretching leads to knowing the state of your body, which has a positive impact on your exercise movements. If you can move the way you think, exercise will be fun and you will be able to live a more active life.

Effect of stretching before going to bed ⑤ It relieves stress

Stretching before bed can also help relieve stress.

There are various ways to relieve stress, but stretching can be done easily without using any special equipment or tools, and without taking up space or time.

At first glance, stretching seems to have a strong meaning of taking care of the body, but it is actually very effective for taking care of the mind.
The time to face yourself through stretching is the time to release the mental and physical stress received from the outside during the day, and it will relieve stress.

Effect of stretching before going to bed ⑥ You can lose weight

You can expect a diet effect by stretching before going to bed.
The reason lies in the relationship between sleep and appetite.

Did you know that chronic sleep deprivation can actually make you eat more and eat things you wouldn’t normally eat?
The reason for this is that sleep deprivation has an adverse effect on hormone secretion.

■Effects of conceited lack of sleep

Drowsiness ● Decrease  in motivation ●Decreased memory ●Adverse effect on
hormone secretion  ●Adverse effect on autonomic nerve function Since ghrelin secretion is increased, you will still have appetite even if your stomach is full, and you will want more food than usual. In other words, lack of sleep can lead to weight gain, not dieting. Reference ) Deep relationship between sleep and lifestyle-related diseases | e-Healthnet (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)

Stretches for those who want to feel more relaxed

① Stretching to feel breathing
② Stretching to adjust the distortion of the body

Here are some stretches for those who want to feel more relaxed.
The cold floor will startle your body, so pull a towel or mat when you stretch.

Also, the stretches introduced here are the basics, so please try to incorporate them at the beginning of your stretches.

① Stretch to feel breathing

(1) Sit in seiza with both hands in a banzai pose.

② From there, slowly fall forward and keep your hands as far away as possible. Keep your weight behind you to avoid leaning forward as much as possible.

③ With your head on the floor and your eyes closed, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Repeat this 15 times.
④ After breathing 15 times, slowly raise your upper body.

*The point is to inhale with the image of inflating your entire body so that you can breathe into your back.

② Stretching to adjust the distortion of the body

① Lie on your back, put your hands away from your body and open your legs a little. Create a position that allows your body to relax.

2) Close your eyes, inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. Repeat breathing.

(3) While breathing repeatedly, feel the floor with your back, shake slightly from side to side, move your legs, and feel the difference between your ideal movement and the actual movement of your body.

Also, if you have a stretch pole, get on the pole and do the same movement. You should be able to feel the distortion of your body more noticeably.

First of all, it is very important to know the state of your body, so please try to incorporate it at the beginning of stretching.

Stretches for those who suffer from stiff shoulders and back stiffness due to desk work

1. Neck stretch
2. Upper arm stretch
3. Arm stretch

If you spend a lot of time at your desk working or studying, you may be worried about stiff shoulders and back pain.

Unknowingly, stiffness can lead to pain, so loosen your upper body on a daily basis to keep it in a neutral state.

① Neck stretch

① Tilt your head to the side and place your hand on the tilted side.
② Place the other hand on the shoulder and lightly press the shoulder so that the neck muscles are pulled together.

③ Hands on the head add load to the extent that pain does not occur.
④ If you can afford it, tilt your head at various angles, such as forward or diagonally, to stretch your neck muscles.

*Be careful not to pull your head too hard as it will lead to pain.

If you have about 1 to 2 minutes, you can go around and stretch the muscles and muscles around your neck.

② Stretching the upper arm

*Can be done while standing or sitting.

(1) Put both hands in a banzai pose and grab one elbow with the other hand.

(2) Gradually apply force to the gripping hand and pull as far as there is no pain.

③ After about 10 seconds, switch arms and do the other side.

Be conscious of not arching your back when doing this stretch.
If you are worried about the pose, please do it while looking at the mirror at first.

③ Arm stretch

① Extend your arm forward and pull the palm of your other hand toward you.

(2) You can loosen the stretched arm a little, so return it from the palm instead of just the fingers.

③ Change the angle little by little and do it for about 20 seconds, then switch hands.

If you often touch your computer or smartphone, your wrist will be stretched.

This stretch is very easy, so it’s a good idea to try it before going to bed or in a little spare time.

By being conscious of breathing while stretching, the stretching effect will increase.

Stretch for those who care about their waistline

①Stretching to stretch the stomach
②Stretching the side of the body
③Stretching the back Stretching

is also recommended for those who are concerned about the waistline of their stomach.

Here, we will introduce stretches for those who aim for a refreshing waistline.

① Stretch to stretch the abdomen

(1) From a prone position, place both hands on your hips and raise your upper body so that it curves.

②At this time, keep your lower body on the ground and turn your attention to the tops of your feet.

③Keep your eyes straight and far away, and drop your shoulders as much as possible.

③ Stretch your chest and stretch your stomach, and take 10 deep breaths there.

If you try to stretch your stomach and bend your body too much, you will hurt your lower back, so be careful.

② Stretch to stretch the side of the body

①Bend one leg from the open leg posture.
(2) Kneel down toward the other side with the consciousness of reaching far with the bent leg.

③Stay in a range where you feel comfortable with your stomach and back stretched, and then take five deep breaths. If you turn your face slightly upward, you will feel more effective.

④Replace left and right and do the same operation.

If you have a stiff body or are new to stretching, it may feel hard at first, but your body will change little by little, so keep doing it as long as you can afford it.

③ Back stretch

① Get down on all fours and place your hands directly under your shoulders.

② Push the floor with the image of pushing the floor with the shoulder blade.

(3) Round your back with an image that draws a semicircle from the top of your head to your pubic bone.
④ Repeat it 10 times.

* It is important to push the floor from the shoulder blades instead of trying to push the floor with your hands. Normally, if you are too conscious

of standing up straight, your waist will be warped, the muscles around your abdomen will not be used correctly, and you will lose fat. Sometimes it sticks.

Stretching the back is effective at that time. Loosen your back and be conscious of the muscles around your torso working properly.

Stretching for those concerned about sensitivity to cold and edema

① Butt stretch
② Hip stretch
③ Ankle

stretch Stretching loosens the muscles of the lower body and improves blood circulation, so it is also effective for coldness and edema.
I’m going to introduce you to a recommended stretch that I want you to incorporate before going to bed.

① Stretching the buttocks

①Bend one leg from long seat pose and bring the stretched leg closer to the opposite buttocks.

② Pull the standing knee from the outside with the elbow on the opposite side and twist the body.

③ Breathe deeply in that state and stretch your buttocks.
④ After about 15 seconds, switch the left and right.

The muscles of the buttocks are relatively large muscles in the body, and they are often used in daily activities.

If you use it a lot, it means that your muscles are likely to be tense, so please take care of yourself on a daily basis.

② Stretching the hip joint

① Lie on your back and hold one knee on your chest.

② Breathe deeply in that state, and when you get used to it, try shaking from side to side.

(3) Hold for about 15 seconds on each leg, alternating left and right several times.

A slight rocking from side to side will help you feel the tightness in your hip joints.

If you feel clogged, your buttocks muscles are often stiff, so be sure to stretch your buttocks and set them every night.

③ Ankle stretch

*Can be done on the floor or while sitting in a chair.

① Bend one leg and put it on the other leg.
(2) As it is, gently hold the ankle with your hand and perform 10 forward rotations and 10 backward rotations.

The point is not to force it by force, but to turn it gently.

This stretch is especially recommended for those who are concerned about sensitivity to cold and swelling in the lower body.

It’s a stretch that you can easily do anywhere, so please try it before going to bed.

For those who want to increase the stretching effect! Goods introduction

(1) Rubber tube
(2) Balance ball

We will introduce useful goods that we recommend to those who want to enhance their stretching effect.

① Rubber tube

If you have a tube, you can stretch your body part while adjusting the intensity yourself.

You can get it relatively cheaply, but the strength of the tube varies depending on the item, so be sure to check before purchasing.

In particular, it is recommended for those who have just started stretching and those who have a stiff body, so please use it.

② Balance ball

The balance ball gives your body a “fluctuation” that you cannot create on your own.

If you use a balance ball, you can easily perform movements that make your body feel good. If you want to practice your own stretching, please take advantage of it.


This time, we have introduced “recommended stretching methods before going to bed” according to your concerns, but it is ideal to incorporate stretching according to each person’s physical condition.

The fitness club COSPA offers easy access to care and training specialists.

We have stretching machines and programs such as stretching and yoga that are easy for beginners to participate.

If you want to incorporate stretching that suits your body, please come and visit us.



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