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HomeFitness AdviceTop exercises that increase your physical endurance

Top exercises that increase your physical endurance

For a high-performance athlete, bodybuilder or fitness trainer, physical endurance is important. As a rule, they pay attention to all the aspects that could influence it: nutrition, sleep quality, number of workouts, but also the exercises performed and their intensity. But physical endurance is not only aimed at professionals, but also at those who do not want to feel exhausted after climbing three flights of stairs or running 200 meters after the bus. A hike in the mountains, a long walk in the park, a bike ride, all of these are effective ways to recharge your batteries and relax when your physical endurance is good. 

What is physical endurance and why is it important? 

Broadly speaking, we could say that physical endurance is the ability of the body and, in particular, of the muscles to work intensely, to contract and relax repeatedly, over a period of several hours. As a rule, this physical endurance is acquired over time, through repeated physical exercise, and especially through movements that we continue even when we feel that our muscles “burn” and some pain occurs. 

What are the reasons why it is worth training this physical endurance? First of all, we can enjoy different hobbies that keep us healthy. You can go hiking in the mountains without being afraid that you will not be able to finish the tour. You can walk through parks, you can go running without feeling that this hobby is a torment, but rather a pleasure and a habit that helps you have a good tone. Here are some types of exercises that help you increase your physical, muscular endurance, right at home. 

Top exercises that increase your physical endurance

Fortunately, we don’t need very complicated exercises to train physical endurance. Rather, we need a program that you follow daily and in which you can include the following four categories

Plank exercises

Even though plank exercises seem very simple when you first see them, when you do them, you will see a real difference. The advantage of them is that they do not require any high-performance equipment. All you need is a little ambition and a high-performance training mat. Choose a good, thick mat, because it will help you feel comfortable and be able to focus on the correctness of the exercise and not on the pain in your elbows or knees. 

Typically, these exercises should be started from the push-up position, with your legs apart, not going beyond the hip line, and your arms extended parallel. From this position, you can start a whole variation of exercises. Here is one of them: 

  1. Start in a push-up position, with your arms extended parallel and stay in this position for one minute;
  2. After a minute, bend your elbows, resting your body weight on your forearms, and stay in this position for 30 seconds;
  3. Finally, from this position, standing on your forearms; raise your left leg ten times and then repeat the movement with your right leg;
  4. Relax for a minute and repeat the exercise four times.

Weight exercises

For these exercises, you can use improvised weights from things you have at home or the kind of fitness weights that you can find on our website. The effectiveness of weight exercises depends on their difficulty, intensity, and the number of repetitions you do. If performed correctly, weight exercises tone your muscles and increase your endurance at the same time.

  1. Get into a push-up position, support yourself on your fists, holding the weights in your palms;
  2. From this position, lift your left hand off the ground and bring the weight up, extending it so that your arm is parallel to your torso and abdomen. Do 15 reps, then switch to your right arm. 

Cardio exercises 

They are especially effective when you want to lose weight, but also maintain good muscle tone. Their advantage is that they accelerate metabolism and burning, and the body continues to consume fat even after finishing a training session. Of course, they must be combined with a balanced diet, when you want to achieve quick results. Cardio exercises include:

  1. alert gait; 
  2. jogging;
  3. jumping on the spot;
  4. rope jumping;
  5. cycling;
  6. squats with jump;
  7. stepper exercises.

If you want to do cardio exercises at home, it is best to use special equipment, such as a treadmill, stepper, fitness bike. Even if the investment is higher than in the case of weights, dumbbells, the advantage is that the devices can be used for a long time and can successfully replace several gym memberships. Another advantage is that you can use them whenever you feel the need, without leaving home. 

Burpees exercises

You probably know these types of exercises, even if you are not familiar with their name. Burpees are actually a type of exercise that combines several workouts: squats, push-ups, jumping jacks. For this reason, it is considered one of the most effective methods by which you can train all your muscles and stimulate your physical endurance. The exercises are performed at a fast pace and in as many repetitions as possible. Here is an example in the following lines: 

  1. Sit in front of the mattress, standing, with your back straight, hands by your side, head slightly straight and looking forward;
  2. Squat down until your palms touch the floor;
  3. From the squatting position, in one jump, take your legs back and do three push-ups; 
  4. After doing the push-ups, quickly return to the squat position, bringing your knees in line with your chest;
  5. Come to the starting position and repeat the exercise 5-10 times. 

With a well-established program and these types of exercises done consistently, you can be sure that both muscle tone and physical endurance will be increasingly better defined. 


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