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HomeYogaWhat are the criteria for taking a Pilates class?

What are the criteria for taking a Pilates class?

Yes, taking a Pilates class is not necessarily a trivial decision, especially with regard to this discipline, which is quite recent for most of us. Created by Joseph Pilates and democratized during the 1980s, this technique is a rich, dense method , and complete enough to suit most of us.

Even though we have more and more subscribers each year, the Pilates method is this type of sport, halfway between the soft gym, the dance class, or the yoga class in Paris . Enough to improve your physical condition , build your abdominal muscles, or relax using a gentle method.

While one may be tempted by a private Pilates class, the real question will be how to learn yoga Pilates. Well, that’s what we’re going to see right away!

The Differences Between Classical Yoga and Pilates!

Who can be a pilates teacher?
With or without accessories, it is essential to know how to choose your Pilates yoga class, as well as your teacher.

Between a yoga class and a Pilates class, there are often some differences, even though one might think the opposite. Indeed, this is a discipline of soft method , soft gym, soft gymnastics, which allows an irreproachable physical condition, when we speak of regular practice , of course.

At first, the objectives between yoga paris and the Pilates method are not the same. Indeed, while Pilates places the connection between body, mind and mind in the foreground, without forgetting muscle strengthening, yoga leans on a slightly more spiritual dimension , where relaxation, meditative practice or breathing exercises serve more than gym pilates.

Also, when talking about the differences between classical yoga and yoga Pilates , one cannot discount the origins of the disciplines . Indeed, while yoga is an ancestral discipline, Pilates is a much more recent method , created in the United States by a German (Joseph Pilates), and developed during the 20th century. Values ​​which, if they are similar, therefore also differ from time to time.

We also note that, even if breathing is a driving force for both domains , the latter is not used in the same way, for a different purpose. Indeed, a bodily awareness that is placed as a real source of energy, according to the intensity that we give it.

As mentioned above, Bordeaux yoga focuses its breathing exercises on the mind, spirituality, inner peace, even though the Pilates method places its breathing exercise more on physical fitness, the sequence of movements, even fitness classes, physical exercise.

In addition, we also note that the postures are an important difference between the two disciplines. The Pilates method is, in fact, more focused on sheathing, the buttocks, stretching, the pelvic floor, stretching, or even the muscles. Yoga is more about the mind. Certainly, the latter also helps relieve back pain, but Pilates is more likely to help alleviate back pain, or to act against stress.

In short, these are two philosophies, two ways of approaching physical exercise, healthy sport, thanks to numerous exercises that combine body and mind in both cases. But then let’s look more at the sport itself: how does a Pilates class take place?

How Does a Pilates Class Work?

How to distinguish Pilates from yoga?
With a private teacher, the Pilates method takes on sports airs much easier than learned alone.

When you wonder how a Pilates class goes , you first have to ask yourself why take it. In private lessons or in group lessons, everything is put in place to give us a real awareness of the body, linked to the spine, the abs, buttocks, the rib cage, the flat stomach, or even low back pain. A harmonious way to follow the desires and needs of the learner.

But when we think of a Pilates class, we have the right to wonder how much it costs. Indeed, the price of a session varies, depending on the type of course in question. In group lessons, you can count between 20€ and 40€ per session on average, while each individual lesson costs around 60€. We also note the interest of the subscription formulas which, after a first conclusive lesson, becomes rather very economical than individually.

Regarding the time, the duration of a session , you can put on 45 minutes on average , for a course where you can work on the postural position, the abdominal belt, the muscle groups, or even be well in your body. What to benefit from beneficial effects for the body and the spirit, in an effective way, and, why not, to find a flat belly.

The Pilates teacher is also a keystone of a session, because he places himself as an instructor . An instructor who guides, advises his students, and tries to give the positions the most beneficial effects for everyone. For pregnant women or not, between abdominals and scapula, everything tells us that he masters and directs each class.

Regarding the exact course of a session, the first lesson sets the historical scene of the discipline , while the rest of the sessions show different exercises, according to the objectives of each , the desires of the teacher, but also the number of students. present in class, whether we are talking about individual or group lessons.

How Much Does a Pilates Class Cost?

Who is Pilates for?
In a few minutes, muscle strengthening can be practiced thanks to Pilates.

And yes, this is a real question, that almost everyone must ask themselves: how much does a Pilates class cost? To tell the truth, the price depends on a few criteria , which it is important, even necessary, to take into account in order to progress as well as possible and to invest in the fundamental principles of the discipline.

Indeed, if our ideal budget approaches zero, we can then bet on online videos , bet in situation on Youtube in particular. However, this approach to teaching, while inexpensive, has its limitations. Indeed, due to the absence of a private teacher, one cannot work at best on one’s postures, one’s movements, and, in fact, one’s approach and progression in Pilates.

Indeed, whether it is the back muscles, centering, body muscles or even physical preparation, at beginner or intermediate level, everything is a matter for the teacher , who himself involves a budget. And yes, whether we like it or not, progressing in Pilates effectively is often expensive, for everyone , but like all sports, in the end!

We will therefore have the main reason why paying Pilates lessons is interesting: we can progress more efficiently and quickly. In a group, the atmosphere is one of common progression, whereas in an individual session, the progression is carried out in a more advanced way, for the precise reason that we are the only student, on whom the teacher’s attention is focused solely . You then have to decide which Pilates class to go to.

How to Choose your Pilates Class?

How to practice Pilates?
When the practice of Pilates is combined with the spirit and the mind!

After studying all these criteria, you have to ask yourself how to choose your Pilates class , and the question is tricky to say the least. Each movement that one performs in class is guided by the way in which it is learned, in particular because of the particular teacher. A good Pilates class is defined by many criteria, and the teacher is the basis of the quality of each exercise.

Indeed, an instructor, whatever his diploma, his training or his program, is the pivot of the quality of a Pilates course. Between group lessons and private lessons, the teacher is a real tool for evolution, which will allow – or not – to work on the sheathing, to tone up, to stretch at best, or to have stronger vertebrae. Full of criteria that will make your progress. 

The type of class is also a criterion to take into account to know if the Pilates class suits us or not. Between group lessons, individual lessons, or online lessons, everything is possible, everything is possible, according to the desires, needs and budget of each student.

Because yes, the budget is part of the quality of Pilates exercises, whether it is a subscription or a first class. However, there is a simple, effective alternative, and often more profitable than all the others, and that is us, Superprof !

Indeed, thanks to our qualified teachers, it is possible to register for Pilates classes in most French cities, for a price that often defies all competition, whether for private or group lessons! So, what are we waiting for to discover Pilates?


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