There is increasing interest in calisthenics exercises that can be easily done at home, on the street or in the gym. If you are curious about these exercises that can be done without the need for equipment, work many muscle groups at the same time and increase endurance, you are in the right place. In this article, we will take a detailed look at what calisthenics is, its history, how it is done and what movements it consists of.
Calisthenics Nedir?
Calisthenics is a type of exercise that can be done using one’s own body weight. It does not require special equipment and usually targets large muscle groups. Well-known movements such as push-ups, crunches, and pull-ups are among the most common examples of calisthenics exercises. These exercises not only strengthen muscles, but also increase endurance, flexibility, and coordination.
Calisthenics also has positive effects on cardiovascular health and supports general body health. It is also ideal for bodybuilding and is also suitable as a warm-up before other sports activities.
Calisthenics’in Tarihi
The modern form of calisthenics exercises was developed in the mid-19th century by Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, a German military physical training expert. Jahn aimed to physically train the public by establishing open-air gymnastics arenas called “Turnplatz” in Germany.
It is known that Calisthenics exercises have started to take an important place in the fitness world today as a result of their popularity in the United States. It is also applied by many people as an effective way to gain strength, endurance and flexibility.

What are the Benefits of Calisthenics?
Calisthenic exercises stand out with their different features. They offer many benefits thanks to their versatile and functional movements. We can examine these benefits as follows:
Increases Body Strength
Calisthenic exercises are usually performed using body weight. This not only strengthens the muscles but also increases muscle endurance. Body weight exercises activate more muscle fibers and build muscle mass. Also, working against body weight during the exercise helps the muscles develop more strength and endurance.
It Keeps You Active in Daily Life
Calisthenic exercises include a variety of movements, including push-ups, crunches, pull-ups, dips, and planks. This variety targets different muscle groups and helps increase overall body strength.
Additionally, these types of exercises work multiple muscles together in a balanced way, improving the strength needed for real-life mobility, helping you become stronger and more active in your daily life.
Improves Flexibility and Coordination
During the exercises, the ability to balance and control body weight is required. These exercises require correct body positioning and maintaining balance. It also provides coordination skills by working many different muscles at the same time. For example, in a pull-up, you need to coordinate your upper body muscles and arm muscles at the same time. This creates synergy between the muscles and improves overall body coordination.
Can be done without equipment
Basic calisthenic exercises do not require weight machines or gym equipment. You can do them anywhere and anytime using just your own body weight. You can easily add push-ups, crunches, planks, etc. to your program using your body weight.
Additionally, environments such as outdoor gyms or gyms are also considered suitable for calisthenic exercises. Therefore, no special equipment is needed for calisthenic exercises. However, for some advanced exercises or when you want to add variety, equipment that is readily available can be used. For example, equipment such as a pull-up bar or parallel bars allow you to do various pull-up and chin-up variations.
Improves Mental Health
Calisthenic exercises stimulate the secretion of happiness hormones such as endorphins and serotonin, which are provided by physical activity. These hormones help reduce stress and improve mood. In addition to providing the opportunity to develop body strength and abilities, it also increases self-confidence.
Some moves may be difficult to do at first, but over time, successfully performing these moves can increase a person’s self-confidence. In addition, calisthenic exercises require attention, focus, and discipline to perform each move correctly. Keeping mentally engaged while transitioning between moves or trying to complete a difficult move can also reduce stress.

How to Do Calisthenics?
Calisthenic training is aimed at increasing body strength, endurance and muscle mass. To do the training correctly, you can follow the steps below.
Warming Up: It is important to warm up before starting any exercise program to prepare the body. You can do light aerobic exercises or dynamic stretching for 5-10 minutes to warm up the muscles and joints.
Movement selection: Calisthenic training consists of basic exercises performed using body weight. It is important to choose movements that suit your goals, such as pull-ups, push-ups, crunches, reverse crunches, and push-ups.
Technique: It is important to do each movement with the correct technique. Wrong techniques can lead to injuries. You can get help from a trainer or expert to learn the correct form.
Sets and reps: You can start with 2-3 sets and 8-12 reps in the beginning. As your moves get harder, you can increase the number of sets and reps or increase the intensity by giving less rest between moves.
Rest: Proper rest periods between each set will help the muscles recover and regain strength. Rest periods can be between 1-2 minutes.
Progression: You can make progress by making your workouts harder over time. You can increase the difficulty of the moves or add new moves to diversify your workout.
Cooling Down: After training, you can do a light aerobic cool down for 5-10 minutes to relax the muscles and slow down the heart rate. You can complete the training by relaxing the body with stretching movements.
What are Calisthenics Movements?
Calisthenics includes many movements that can be easily performed. You can easily apply these movements by learning how to do them.

Barfiks (Pull-up)
Definition: Pull-ups are an exercise that uses your body weight to target the upper back and arm muscles. They are performed by hanging from a bar and strengthen your shoulders and arm muscles.
How to do it: Hang from a pull-up bar with your shoulders wide apart. While holding the bar with your hands, bend your elbows and load your weight onto your arms. Cross your legs with a slight bend or hang them straight down. Inhale and pull your body up by tightening your muscles. Aim to push your shoulders up and bring your chin to the bar. When you reach the bar, pause for a second and tighten your muscles to hold your position. After the peak position, exhale and return to the starting position with control.

Description: It is a basic exercise that is performed by pushing the body off the ground and works the chest, arm and shoulder muscles.
How to do it: Lie face down on the floor and place your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor. Inhale, tighten your muscles and push your body up. Straighten your arms, but do not lock your elbows completely. Your torso should form a straight line. As you straighten your arms and push your body up, hold this position for a second. Then return to your starting position.

Description: It is an exercise that works the abdominal muscles by lying on your back. It helps strengthen the lower and upper abdominal muscles.
How to do it: Lie on your back and bend your knees and press your feet to the floor. Open your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands next to your head or crossed across your chest. Inhale and lift your shoulders off the floor by tightening your abdominal muscles. Curl your upper body by also lifting your back up. Raise your head, neck and shoulders off the floor. At the top of the crunch, hold this position for a second by tightening your abdominal muscles. Exhale and return to the starting position with control. Slowly lower your upper body off the floor, but do not straighten completely. Lower back down by keeping your abdominal muscles under control.

Description: It is an isometric exercise that works the abdominal and back muscles by keeping the body in a straight line on the elbows and toes.
How to do it: Lie face down on the floor. Your elbows should be shoulder-width apart and directly under your shoulders. Place your arms perpendicular to the floor, grasping the ground with your hands in fists or by pressing your palms into the ground. Press your toes into the floor and lift your body up to create a plank position. Make sure your body forms a straight line, do not lift your hips up or down. Tighten your abdominal muscles and keep your spine in a neutral position. Determine how long you will hold the plank position. You can start for 20-30 seconds at first and increase the time over time. Try to hold the movement for as long as possible.

Bodyweight Squat
Definition: Squatting is an exercise movement performed by bending your knees and pushing your hips back while your feet are shoulder-width apart. This movement is often used to strengthen and develop lower body muscles.
How to do it: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Your toes should be slightly turned outwards. Clasp your hands together in front of your chest or extend them in front of you. Inhale, push your hips back and bend your knees to lower yourself into a squat position. Lower your body down and bend forward until your legs are parallel to the floor or slightly deeper. Keep your back straight and push your chest out. Exhale from the squat position and press your heels firmly into the floor to raise yourself up. Powerfully lift your legs and hips, straighten your knees and return your feet to the starting position.

Reverse Crunch
Description: The reverse crunch is an abdominal exercise performed by lying on your back on the floor. This exercise lifts your hips up and targets the lower abdominal muscles.
How to do it: Lie on your back and extend your arms straight out to the sides or at your sides. Lift your legs straight up without bending them, feet facing the ceiling. Lift your hips up by tightening your abdominal muscles. While doing this movement, keep your pelvis up and your back glued to the floor and tighten your abdominal muscles. After reaching the top point, slowly lower your hips to the floor. However, do not let your legs touch the floor completely. Keep your legs under control and perform the movement slowly and in a controlled manner.

Description: Lunges are a leg exercise performed by supporting your body weight on one leg. In this movement, you step forward with one foot, bend your other knee almost to the floor, and then return to the starting position. Lunges are especially effective for strengthening the leg muscles and improving balance.
How to do it: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your waist or by your sides. Take a big step forward. Your front knee should be aligned with your toes. Lean back, bringing your back knee closer to the floor. Your front knee should be bent to an angle close to 90 degrees. Your back knee should also be close to a 90-degree angle. Inhale, apply pressure through the heel of your front foot to return to the starting position. Squeeze your glutes throughout the movement and transfer the weight of your body to your front foot.