Arm wrestling is a traditional wrestling sport that has been popular in many cultures throughout history. The history of this sport is quite old and it has been known by different names in various civilizations. Arm wrestling is generally based on two athletes facing each other on a table, joining their hands and using force to defeat their opponent. Arm wrestling is considered a sub-branch of wrestling and requires a combination of endurance, strength and technical skills.
Although there is no definitive information about exactly where and when arm wrestling originated, there are several theories about the origins of this sport. Different regions of Central Asia, the Middle East and Europe are shown as the homeland of arm wrestling. It is believed that ancient wrestling types, especially performed in the Central Asian steppes and the Middle East, form the basis of today’s arm wrestling.
Arm wrestling has developed over time in different cultures and gained different variations. Nowadays, arm wrestling tournaments are organized in the international arena, and the popularity of this sport continues all over the world. Regions such as Turkey, Central Asian countries, Russia, Georgia and Azerbaijan stand out among the places where arm wrestling is performed traditionally and competitively.

What are the Technical Rules in Arm Wrestling?
Arm wrestling is a sport subject to certain technical rules and disciplines. Besides the general rules set by the International Armwrestling Federation (WAF), national federations and tournaments may also set their own specific rules. But in general, the common technical rules applied in arm wrestling are:
- Starting Position: Competitors come to a determined starting position before the fight. They join their hands, usually on a table, and the fight begins with a starting signal determined by the referee of the competition.
- Holding the Hands: Competitors must hold their joined hands in a certain way. Fingers are usually interlocked and palms face up. This grip was determined to provide a strong grip and to enable competitors to compete on equal terms.
- Referee Commands: The referee gives certain commands during the competition. Competitors must obey the referee’s commands. Before starting, the referee shouts “Ready, start!” gives the command.
- Fouls and Warnings: In case of non-compliance with certain rules in arm wrestling or if the opponent gains an unfair advantage, the referee may give a foul or warning. This is done to prevent the athlete from being unfair to his opponent and to ensure that the game proceeds fairly.
- Fighting Area: Arm wrestling is usually done on a table. Competitors place their hands on the table and continue their fight on the table. This is a rule established to provide a safe environment and ensure that both athletes compete on equal terms.
Arm wrestling rules are updated regularly to ensure discipline and safety and are subject to specific rules set by the federations. Therefore, it is important for athletes participating in an arm wrestling competition to review the relevant rules and be appropriately prepared.

What are the Benefits of Arm Wrestling?
Arm wrestling is a sport that offers a number of physical and mental benefits beyond just being a fun recreational activity. Some benefits of arm wrestling are:
- Strength and Endurance Development: Arm wrestling contributes to the strengthening of wrists, hands and arms. Knocking down or resisting an opponent can increase strength and endurance in these areas.
- Improving Hand-Eye Coordination: Arm wrestling requires quick reflexes and accurate hand-eye coordination. This requires athletes to quickly process visual information and react accordingly.
- Increasing Balance and Coordination : It is important to keep the body balanced and ensure coordination during arm wrestling. This can improve athletes’ overall body balance and coordination.
- Increasing Mental Toughness: It can improve the ability to fight against the opponent and react quickly, mental focus and quick thinking. Arm wrestling can increase an athlete’s ability to cope with stress.
- Increase Social Interaction : Arm wrestling encourages friendly competition between groups. It can strengthen social bonds by creating an environment of friendly competition among athletes.
- Improving Body Aesthetics: Arm wrestling can improve body aesthetics, especially by exercising the arm and hand muscles. Doing this sport regularly can contribute to muscle development in certain areas.
- Developing Athlete Spirit: Arm wrestling is a sport that requires a competitive spirit and determination. These characteristics can contribute to the athlete’s overall personal development and ability to focus on goals.
- A Fun and Motivating Activity: Arm wrestling offers participants a fun and exciting activity. This can increase the athlete’s motivation to exercise and make physical activity enjoyable.
With these benefits, arm wrestling can offer a rich experience in terms of personal development, physical health and social interaction. But like any sport, proper training and caution is important before starting arm wrestling.