Friday, September 13, 2024


What are the benefits of group sport on social health? When it comes to health, we are all aware of our physical and mental well-being, but what about our social health? There is another form of health that is important in our daily lives and for our longevity.

So what is our social health? And why doing sports in a group is a great way to stimulate it? Here’s everything you need to know about social health and sports activity.


Our social health is defined by our ability to form meaningful relationships with our friends, family, partners and colleagues. The ability to create and maintain social connections is a sign of good social health, which has a huge impact on our physical and mental health.

The confinement during the pandemic has caused you to reflect on your social health without knowing what it is. Some of the symptoms of poor social health is the feeling of loneliness, isolation, that we have faced during this time. As we struggled to connect IRL with other people, we may have felt depressed, anxious, or lethargic, which shows how much of an impact our social health can have on our overall well-being.

It’s important to note that not all people who spend a lot of time alone are lonely, and people with very active social lives can still feel isolated at times. It’s about finding the right balance and improving your relationships to feel like you have a strong support system in your day-to-day life.


Everyone. We can all reap the rewards of working on our relationships with others. In the same way that we eat healthy to improve our physical health and take care of ourselves or go to therapy to improve our mental health, we can also be proactive and spend time with our friends and loved ones to improve our social well-being.

Two groups in society are particularly vulnerable to poor social health:

  • The youngest have grown up in a world where mobile phones and the internet have always been part of their daily lives. While being connected online can create a sense of connection and community, we also need to have meaningful offline experiences. It is also during our younger years that we learn to create healthy social relationships. It is therefore essential to spend time making friends and investing in our relationships with our loved ones.
  • It is therefore essential to be proactive and make new friends, engage in local communities and spend quality time with loved ones. This will not only improve your support system, but also your cognitive functioning, sleep quality, and overall health.


One of the best ways to improve your relationships with others and therefore boost your social health is to get active. In fact, any form of physical activity increases the brain’s production of feel-good hormones called endorphins. When we experience it with other people, it strengthens the connection we feel with them. Therefore, it increases the feeling of pleasure that socialization gives us.

A 2015 study by the University of Oxford , UK looked at the performance of rugby players when warming up together compared to those alone. Notably, they found that participants’ anaerobic performance improved significantly when they physically prepared for team play. According to the study, these findings support “claims about the reciprocal links between group exercise and social connection, and may help explain the pervasiveness of group physical activity in cultural domains as diverse as play, ritual, sport and dance. »


In his book,  The Joy of M: How Exercise Helps Us Find Happiness, Hope, Connection, and Courage, Health Psychologist and Lecturer at Stanford University. Dr. Kelly McGonigal explains why exercise is such an important way to improve our relationships with others. “Movement gives us pleasure, identity, belonging and hope,” says McGonigal. “She puts us in places that are good for us, whether that’s outdoors, in nature, in an environment that challenges us, or with a supportive community. It allows us to redefine ourselves and reimagine what is possible. It facilitates social bonding. »

For those who want to boost their social health, exercise can be a great way. It helps to strengthen pre-existing ties with colleagues and loved ones. It’s also a great way to make new friends. “I don’t think it’s a coincidence that so many people are drawn to communities where they can face physical challenges alongside other people,” Ms. McGonigal observes in her book. “It’s a joy to see people exert themselves, face their fears and overcome their obstacles”.

We know that exercise is vital for our physical health and in recent years we have come to realize that it has a significant impact on our mental well-being as well. But perhaps we should also consider the benefits to our social health. “People who engage in regular physical activity have a stronger sense of purpose and experience more gratitude, love and hope,” notes Ms. McGonigal. “They feel closer to their community and are less likely to suffer from loneliness or depression. These benefits manifest throughout life. »



There are many types of physical activities or team sports that you can do with other people. Here are some fun examples:

  • The walk. Chat while walking.
  • Escalation. It’s always best to do it in pairs.
  • Hiking. Get your heart pumping and take in beautiful scenery together.
  • Dance. Try a class together or throw a party.
  • Tennis. Singles or doubles – the more the merrier.
  • Running . Chat over an easy jog or try a trail run for a bit of adventure.
  • The bike. A great way to explore together.
  • Golf. Abandon the cart and walk.
  • Yo a. Stretch in your social relationships.
  • Swimming . Swim a few lengths or find a spot outdoors.
  • The gym. Overcome your anxiety about the gym by going with a friend.


If you don’t have people around you who enjoy exercising as much as you do, then there are solutions. You can make new fitness friends through a gym or social media. Maybe when your co-workers and loved ones see how much you enjoy group sports, they’ll join you. After all, who doesn’t want to practice in a group and have their own #fitfam?

Here are some great ways to meet new friends while exercising:

  • Join a walking or running club.
  • Sign up for classes at your local gym.
  • Try a charity run or fundraising walk (or even a triathlon!).
  • Find out if there is a fitness boot camp group at your local park.
  • Find your local sports club – football, tennis or tai chi.

So why not get out there and be active with others today? Thus, you can improve your pre-existing relationships and perhaps make new ones by practicing sports in a group.



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