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HomeFitness AdviceThe Line of Motion: Lunge

The Line of Motion: Lunge

“What are the movements that best work the leg and hip part?” of the athletes. One of the first few answers they will give to the question will definitely be a lunge. Beyond being a functional exercise, this movement, which many people can easily do and has dozens of different versions, is naturally the favorite of many athletes. However, although it is preferred so often, it can be applied incorrectly, especially by beginners. This puts people at risk of injury. In order to prevent this, we have determined the new focus of our “The Truth of Movement” series as lunge. You can discover how the lunge movement is done and the most applied mistakes in our content!

How to Lunge?

Like other exercises, the lunge movement will only get maximum efficiency when done correctly. When done wrong, athletes face many problems ranging from muscle tears to injuries. For this reason, you should take this movement seriously, not rush and apply it in the most correct way while lungeing. So how will you do this? Below are some tips for you on “How to make a Lunge?” We have answered the question step by step.


  • Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart.
  • For maximum balance, place your hands on your waist or spread them out to the sides.
  • Step forward with one leg as if you are going to stand on one knee, but do not let your knee touch the ground. This step should be much wider and farther than a normal step.
  • The position of your stepping leg should be in a slightly bent L shape.
  • The most important point to note at this point is that your knee does not exceed your toes on the leg you step on.
  • While returning to the starting position, press the heel of the foot of your step and straighten by taking strength from your leg muscles.
  • Repeat the movement with your other leg.

For different lunge variations, “ How to Make a Lunge Movement? You can browse our content titled ”.

Most Common Lunge Mistakes

Lifting the Heel


If your heel, which you step forward while doing lunges, rises in the air at any point of the movement, know that you are doing it wrong. In this case, you may not have thrown your leg far enough or you may not have balanced your balance properly. In order not to make this mistake, make sure that your knee does not go beyond your toes while performing the movement. Make sure to fix your heel on the ground when you step forward and stop.

Executing the Movement on a Line

Athletes may think that it is better to do the lunge exercise on an imaginary line, but this is completely wrong. The initial shoulder-width position should be maintained, and this range should be taken into account when stepping and returning to the head. Thus, it is possible to make the movement more balanced, increase its efficiency and maintain stability.

Upper Body Drop Forward


Beginner athletes often tend to lower their upper body forward when performing lunges. This indicates that the balance in the body is not sufficiently established. Exercise; It should be applied with the back in an upright position without deteriorating the position of the body at the beginning of the application. Otherwise, it will not be possible to get efficiency from the movement and it may increase the risks of possible injury.

Which Muscles Does Lunge Work?

When you go to a gym or try to create your own training program, one of the first exercises recommended to you will be lunges. We can say that the lunge movement, which most of us know as a leg movement, is at the forefront of training programs with its feature that affects more than one muscle group. This turns out to be both an effective and efficient exercise and with its strengthened versions … Continue reading






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