This low-intensity exercise routine, designed for a strong and flexible body, includes various movements, breathing exercises and meditation techniques.

Pilates activates all the main muscle groups in the body and gives flexibility to your body, improving your posture and helping you control your pain.

Pilates consists of aerobic and non-aerobic exercises. However, both types of movements require concentration and focus.

However, you will rarely experience sweating or muscle fatigue. Other benefits of pilates, which is effective in strengthening all body muscles, especially the core area, which provides stability, balance and coordination of the body, are as follows:

  • It gives flexibility to your body. 

Pilates exercises aim to minimize various pains, especially back pain, and prevent injuries by adding flexibility to your body.

Gaining flexibility means increasing the ability of the muscles to lengthen and shorten. Flexibility, which causes less tension in the muscles, improves sports performance and strengthens your body.

  • It reduces menstrual pain.

Pilates relieves the discomfort of women who have painful menstrual periods. Research suggests that these exercises help with painful menstrual periods.

  • It corrects your posture.

Improving your posture not only improves head, shoulder, back and neck pain, but also makes it easier for you to stand upright.

Pilates helps strengthen postural muscles by focusing on alignment of the whole body.

  • It prevents injuries caused by muscle imbalance. 

Pilates provides postural improvement by increasing flexibility and strengthening your muscles, strengthens the body against injuries caused by muscle imbalance and reduces the risk of injury in sports.

  • It supports the development of coordination and balance. 

Apart from daily tasks that require coordination such as walking, body balance is also important in practices such as lying down or bending. While Pilates strengthens your muscles, it also supports coordination development.

  • Provides stress management.

Developing body awareness helps control stress by allowing you to focus on your inner world.

It provides correct breathing control and has a serious stress-reducing effect, especially when applied together with deep breathing exercises.

  • It makes you feel good psychologically.

It is known that people who do Pilates exercises regularly increase their energy and motivation.

Pilates ensures maximum oxygen consumption during high-intensity activity by focusing on breathing. It increases the working capacity of the heart, blood vessels, lungs and muscles involved in exercise.

This ensures the secretion of feel-good hormones, stimulating oxygen flow and blood circulation.

  • It strengthens the core area. 

The core area, which is the center of the body, includes the muscle groups that support the body and surround the body.

It extends from the pelvic floor muscles to the lower part of the spine and is located in the abdomen, waist and hips. Pilates helps reduce pain by strengthening these muscles.

This information is not intended to direct people to diagnosis and treatment. Do not carry out all your diagnosis and treatment procedures without consulting your doctor.

This content has been prepared with scientific data on the date of registration and has been checked by the LifeClub Health Services Medical Directorate.

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