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HomeSportsWhy is Vitamin C Important for Athletes?

Why is Vitamin C Important for Athletes?

Maybe it’s citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits that heavy-duty athletes need. Do not neglect nature supplements, especially in such a period, with annoying situations such as flu and cold. Of course, it is not a coincidence that these fruits are the first to be consumed when afflicted with such diseases. However, people who exercise regularly are content with drinking grapefruit and orange in the morning. But what they don’t know is the effects of these fruits on strength training and muscle building! “Citrus fruits have lots of vitamin C , electrolytes, and fast-absorbing carbohydrates,” says Kristin Reisinger, a dietitian.

Taking Vitamin C After Workout Restores Muscles


Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, can reduce inflammation that occurs after a heavy workout, supports the immune system to fight against cold-like diseases, and even helps to produce collagen, which supports the flexibility and strength of skin and tendons. “ Vitamin CIt also plays an important role in recovery and performance,” says Reisinger. The simple sugars in them also help replenish glycogen stores in muscle tissues, but timing is very important in the consumption of these foods. It is very important to supplement with vitamin C shortly after the exercise in order to recover the proteins that are broken down in the muscles during the exercise and to accelerate the recovery. Because, as Reisinger said, “When high-glycemic carbohydrates are consumed together with protein, amino acids are supplied to the muscles, accelerating the repair and growth stages.” ( 1 , 2 )

Citrus fruits also have a high amount of quality dietary fiber. A medium orange has 4 grams of dietary fiber, and a grapefruit has 2 grams of dietary fiber. Since most of the fiber in these fruits is soluble, it helps lower cholesterol and keep blood sugar under control. The remaining fiber is not soluble but passes easily through the intestines, is excreted and does not cause constipation.

Daily Vitamin C Needs of Athletes

If fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C are consumed regularly, the body’s needs are met to a significant extent. However, the rate required for athletes’ muscle recovery and recovery is slightly higher than that. For this reason, it is highly recommended for athletes to use vitamin C supplements .

Typically, an athlete’s daily intake of vitamin C ranges from 45 to 70 mg, although it varies with age and the intensity of exercise performance. The upper limit for vitamin C intake is 2000 mg ( 3 ). Taking more vitamin C into the body can cause diarrhea and similar digestive disorders.

Foods Rich in Vitamin C

Lemon / Lime

It has antibiotic effects. Limonoid compounds in these fruits help lower cholesterol and inhibit the spread of cancer cells.


With more than 170 phytonutrients and more than 60 types of flavonoilds in it, orange is a very good anti-inflammatory fruit.


In a 2006 study, grapefruit was found to reduce insulin resistance and prevent weight gain. With 142% of Vitamin C RDA and 12% of Vitamin A RDA it contains, it is an essential nutrient for sharp vision.


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