It is important to exercise regularly to live a healthy life and maintain fitness. Working out 5 days a week is one of the most effective ways to strengthen our muscles, increase energy levels, control weight, improve our overall health and increase our quality of life.

In this article, we will share with you a great training program that you can follow 4 days a week to stay healthy and fit.

You can personalize your exercise program based on your general health, sports history, age and gender . For beginners, it is important to correctly arrange which muscle groups to work on which days during the four days of the week and which days to take off for rest.

However, if you have just started training, you should perform your training with an expert to make sure that you are applying the movements correctly and to get more successful results by having your muscle strength analyzed and working towards the goal. Here is the exercise program that will make you feel better!

5 Day Training Program

You can put the final touches on your body by devoting the last week before going on vacation to these exercises!

Day 1: Chest

You can start with Barbell Bench Press 4 sets, 10 repetitions. In this exercise, which is performed by lying on your back on a bench, you can work your chest and arms by pushing up a bar suitable for your own weight.

What you need for the Incline Dumbbell Press is a pair of dumbbells. You should lie on your back on a steeply inclined bench and move the dumbbells at chest level up and down.

You can perform this movement in 4 sets of 10 repetitions. If you do not have the opportunity to go to the gym, you can exercise your chest muscles by doing push-ups at home.

Day 2: Legs and abdomen

Squat: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, keep your back and head upright. Inhale, bend your knees, moving your hips back and down.

While in this squat position, you should keep your back straight and look forward. After waiting for a while (10 seconds), exhale and return your hips and knees to the starting position. You can do this movement in 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

Sit-ups: Lie on your back on a floor and place your hands behind your head. Try to lift your body up by tightening your abdominal muscles.

While doing this movement, you should be careful to use only your abdominal muscles without support from your neck and head. You should not forget to breathe deeply while doing the exercise.

Day 3: Rest

On this day, when you take a break from the 5-day training program, you can do low-tempo aerobic exercises such as walking, jogging or cycling.

Day 4: Shoulders and arms 

Shoulder Press: This exercise, performed using dumbbells, is an ideal move to work your shoulders and arms. Open your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your hands holding the dumbbells to the sides.

Then, slowly raise your arms over your head from the side. After bringing your arms to the top, wait a moment and slowly return to the starting position. You can do this movement for 4 sets and 10 repetitions.

Day 5: Back

Dips movement: all you need to perform this movement is a chair! Turning your back to the chair, place your hands on the seat of the chair and bend your legs forward, keeping your feet on the floor.

Then lower your body down until your elbows are bent at 90 degrees. After staying in this position for a few seconds, you can return to the starting position.

Be careful to perform each exercise with correct form and control. Don’t forget to add warm-up and cool-down routines to your exercises.

It will also be beneficial to customize the training program according to your personal needs and abilities.

This information is for informational purposes only and is not intended to direct people to diagnosis and treatment. For all your diagnosis and treatment procedures, be sure to consult your doctor or healthcare institution. Do not apply without consulting your doctor.

This content has been prepared with scientific data on the date of registration and has been checked by the Services Medical Directorate.

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