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Playful physical training optimization

Circuit training , if you are not athletic, it is not an expression that should really speak to you. Very effective and fairly recent, this technique of muscle building and improvement of physical condition has been a resounding success for ten years due to its multiplicity and its results!

Between cardio , strength training , endurance and fitness, circuit training is a method of global toning of the body through the repetition of exercises. It must be differentiated from crossfit or cross training which are different sports methods. Better than a fitness program, circuit training is also very fun .

First, here is a circuit training program that you can follow:

Superprof invites you to discover circuit training, a fun and intense method that allows you to work the whole body through repetitions and improve your long-term muscular endurance while having fun. You can already start warming up, then head to the gym!

Circuit training: a method in its own right

What are the effects of long-term circuit training in sports?
“One of the keys to success is self-confidence. One of the keys to self-confidence is preparation” – Arthur Ashe

Circuit training is a physical training method during which the athlete (so you) must perform sports exercises without recovery time. Thus, each physical activity performed is defined over a fairly short duration and over a fixed number of repetitions . Suffice to say that it is a method of high intensity for novices!

The objective is to use all the power of the muscles for a short period of time to create an intense effort, which will make the muscles of the body work enormously over this short period of time. The exercises are generally performed in a row, each lasting about 30 seconds and without rest time.

Circuit training has many advantages over a classic training session such as a weight training program or cardio exercises. Among these, we can say that circuit training is:

  • A method accessible to all and available for all levels,
  • A gain of time (the absence of recovery time reduces the overall duration),
  • A full body workout that improves overall fitness,
  • A very fun session due to the variety of exercises to be performed,
  • Training requiring little or no equipment,
  • An ideal way to practice sports together.

Obviously, the main rule to adopt when you start circuit training is to adapt the exercises to your level : you must above all not have your eyes bigger than your stomach so that each exercise is toned and not toxic. Also be aware that circuit training will be less effective than regular training if you are looking to develop a particular body part .

These buttocks, abdominals or even thighs training series are ideal if you practice sports such as Handball or Basketball in which you need to be tough but above all perform explosive physical efforts repeatedly.

So there’s no more waiting: take a sprint to a weight room or a fitness room and start improving your physical shape by the sports sequence method!

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From weight loss to increased endurance

What are the benefits of circuit training for the body?
Circuit training allows you to go from a slight gain in strength and endurance to an overall improvement of the body!

Circuit training is a method that aims to achieve three specific physical objectives: weight loss, endurance and muscle gain . Burning as much fat as possible is therefore not the only benefit of this technique, which combines bodybuilding exercises, sheathing, stretching and cardio vascular training.

Body weight is often the only thing on which a person focuses, whether they practice a sporting activity or not, for the good reason that high fat mass results in a thicker body, far from beauty standards. usual. The slimming aspect of circuit training is therefore clearly not to be overlooked.

Spending calories during the sessions is obvious, which will allow you to gradually refine yourself. Thus, circuit training can act as a fitness program with a more or less substantial calorie loss depending on the efforts made and the exercises selected. The ideal is to associate it with a diet low in fat or precisely to lose fat.

The second benefit of circuit training is its effect on endurance, an aspect as important in sport as in everyday life. Improving your endurance means boosting your cardiovascular system and therefore being healthy and cardiovascular exercises, there are some in circuit training!

Imagine having to run five kilometers all at once. Before doing cardio training, it might seem like an impossible goal to achieve. And yet, after a good training and a certain period, this objective will seem more achievable, even too simple for you!

Each session therefore allows you to put your airways to the test by performing several intense exercises in a sports program without breaks and which can end with active recovery for the bravest. The intensive aspect of the series work on the respiratory capacities and the muscular strength to also improve the endurance of the musculature.

Finally: muscle groups are the third part of the benefits of circuit training. Performing sets of body-strengthening exercises increases muscle tone . With or without dumbbells, circuit training is a complete bodybuilding program that strengthens both the upper body and the lower body.

A complete physical activity, which guarantees a certain harmony between the different muscular parts of the body. Muscular, or at least toned, in order to feel the best possible in your body and in your head. 

Circuit training is therefore not made for casual athletes , but for those who really want it and who want to surpass themselves :

Circuit trainers are quickly more athletic, have a better heart rate and find their body much more functional after exercise. To have a good physical condition and a dream body in the long term, there is therefore no hesitation!

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Tone your body and your metabolism

What are the parts of the body that are worked by circuit training?
Granted, you’re going to need a little more than basic circuit training to become One Punch Man, but you have to start somewhere! (source: Kurokawa)

Do not believe that circuit training is only good for vaguely maintaining your body for the Summer or losing weight quickly for those who need quality fitness. This method is also very useful for increasing strength over the long term.

Indeed, the repetition of exercises in an explosive way train the LLB fibers of your muscles: these fibers are precisely used to be contracted quickly and release a lot of force against a loss of endurance. Fortunately, these fibers can be trained and converted into LLA fibers with greater endurance.

If you already practice sport on a regular basis in order to increase your muscle mass or train your abdominal strap, you can integrate circuit training into your sessions in order to modify your body’s habits and thus shock it: thus your muscles will progress faster.

Here is an example of beginner-level circuit training to give you an idea:

  • squats,
  • buttock heels,
  • knee raise,
  • mountain climbers,
  • Pumps,
  • Boxing.

Perform these exercises 5 times in a row for 30 seconds each, pausing for 45 seconds to 1 minute at the end of the sixth exercise each time. You can include other exercises such as the plank, jumping jacks, burpees, dumbbell lunges, or jump rope.

Now, here’s an example of advanced level, more strength-focused circuit training to continue on this path (requires equipment):

  • Bench,
  • Squats With Dumbbells,
  • Deadlift,
  • Shrug,
  • Developed Military/Arnold,
  • Rowing.

Once again, perform these exercises 5 times in a row and repeat each exercise between 10 and 12 times and take regular breaks of 45 seconds between each circuit. To make this workout complete , you can add abs roulette, boxing, rubber band pull-ups or even elevated push-ups.

Because yes, the accessories, if they are not necessary, can quickly impose themselves as tools of evolution. The ab roller is a good way to strengthen your abdominal strap after working your abs on a simple mat. Always go further, go harder, this is the key to circuit training. But be careful to listen to yourself anyway! 

You will benefit even more from the benefits of circuit training by choosing an environment that seems to you as pleasant as possible: with friends or without, it is up to you to find your motivation; at home or in the gym, you choose according to your possibilities, means and your shyness.

Remember to adopt a constant rhythm of your sessions in order to progress and thus increase the effects of circuit training on your body and know that it is better to start with an instructor in order to properly perform the exercises and stretches. Also pay attention to your diet so as not to ruin your efforts!

Always different circuit training sessions

What are the exercises to perform in series during circuit training sequences?
It is by setting specific objectives that we persevere in sport, especially when it comes to physical preparation! (source: YouTube)

It’s up to you to choose the type of circuit training you prefer. If your goal is weight loss , then the exercises will be simpler but will also burn a lot of calories. Boxing, cardio, squats and push-ups, the objective is stated: sweat! For this, no need for group lessons unless you lack motivation.

Many women (and men, let’s not be hypocritical!) seek to tone their bodies through exercise. Here too, circuit training is very effective: with push-ups against the wall, dips, squats, plank or exercises on the buttocks, it is thus possible to firm up your body without gaining volume.

Circuit training has strong effects on endurance : thus, it is your cardio-respiratory system that is solicited. No need for equipment, no specific place and two objectives: to sweat and to breathe. After a good warm-up, you can do jumping jacks, jump squats, burpees, floor exercises, and running.

This is also the advantage of circuit training, each exercise is possible, each movement can fit perfectly into a session, from the moment you put yourself in condition of endurance and intense effort , as this sport entails.

Finally, the special bodybuilding circuit training is reserved for those who are already athletes and wish to increase their volume. You only need a straight bar and if possible a weight bench and it is difficult to practice it indoors because you have to change machines often. The easier you feel it becomes, the more weight you will add for maximum good suffering!

Our last piece of advice is simple: keep exercising regularly , even when you feel sluggish. Remember this:

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The benefits of circuit training: a sport without necessary equipment to practice everywhere

Which sport corresponds to circuit training?
Weights, dumbbells, elastic, rope, all these elements, if they can be used, are not necessary for the good practice of circuit training and its benefits. Practice anywhere, anytime!

When you want to tone up, lose weight or improve your endurance, circuit training is therefore a sport of choice, and full of benefits for anyone with a bit of motivation. But so rare are the sports to be so complete, circuit training has this advantage that it does not require equipment.

Indeed, with push-ups, burpees or even squats or abdominals, nothing tells us that weights or an elastic band is not necessary for its good practice. This makes it a sporting activity that is firmly rooted in our increasingly hectic daily lives.

Indeed, between two professional appointments, before picking up the children from school, 20 minutes are enough to enjoy the benefits of circuit training. Be careful, however, to count the time of the shower, because the efforts are there.

The fact remains that without equipment, circuit training is ideal for its practicality. It is at this moment that we can say that everywhere, all the time, circuit training is accessible. From work to home to vacation, fitness is at your fingertips.

And if, in addition, the accessories are part of the game, it is the door to guaranteed endurance. Ready to build muscle and be proud of your efforts? Circuit training is here for you!

Circuit training, a method to be proud of yourself

When is the best time to do circuit training?
And yes, circuit training is a sport apart from the others, which allows you to provide a lot of effort in a short time. An activity conducive to the objectives, but also and above all to the satisfaction of having succeeded. The pride, in short!
Who knows how to endure knows tranquility – Zhang Xianliang
In gyms, at home or in the middle of nature, it will be understood that circuit training is a rather difficult sports method, which does not adapt to the most cautious sportsmen and women. On the other hand, she has this advantage of reconciling faults and qualities, and of making her weaknesses an unsuspected strength.

Indeed, its apparent difficulty makes it a major challenge for anyone wishing to get started. Therefore, succeeding in carrying out a circuit training session from A to Z is the guarantee of reaping the fruit of your work, your efforts, and being as proud of yourself as possible. 

Who has never dreamed of practicing a sport where satisfaction would be the key? Because yes, the point of developing your endurance, your muscles or losing weight is to set goals. Concrete objectives, which circuit training embodies in the most beautiful way.

Initially, why not set four series of workouts, then, over the days or weeks, increase the pace according to your physical condition.

It’s the most reliable way to be proud of yourself and your efforts over time. A certain way of congratulating yourself, to feel better in your body and in your head.

But don’t forget that all sports, even circuit training, involve one main thing: knowing how to listen to yourself, and stopping when your body says no. There’s no point in wanting to push your goals to extremes if your physical condition doesn’t involve it. It would be a shame to hurt yourself by wanting to do yourself good!

And yes, sport is above all a matter of temperance, and circuit training, despite its apparent difficulty, is no exception to the rule! And if certain programs were part of this line of intense, short and repetitive training? “Tabata”, does this name mean something to you?

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Circuit training is also suitable for women

What is the best circuit training workout for women?
Circuit training can reveal the superheroine potential within you! (source: DC Comics)

It is not always easy to find your way around female fitness exercises , whether for the upper body or the lower body, because each sports program has its own objectives: between weight loss, body tone and overall endurance. Discover the best female circuit training according to your objectives!

The female body fitness and toning program

The female gender (but also part of the male gender) is often worried about their weight and the tone of their body, whether in the glutes, legs or abdominal muscles. Circuit training is perfect for losing weight in a minimum of time and strengthening the whole body.

Here are some examples of exercises to lose weight and tone up:

  • Slots,
  • Jumping Jacks,
  • Dips,
  • squats,
  • Mountain Climbers,
  • Plank (sheathing)
  • Burpees.

In order to complete a circuit training of this type, it is advisable to have a balanced diet but not to deprive yourself. You can also practice water-type activities such as aquagym, swimming or aquabike which are very good for the body.

A circuit training to strengthen your cardiovascular system

Taking care of one’s health is not exclusively female, but it is important that sports training is not only focused on the outside and that the heart and lungs are also trained. Cardio work plays a huge role in your body’s general endurance, which can be used on many occasions in the life of an active woman.

Here are some examples of cardiovascular exercises to build endurance:

  • Jumping Jacks,
  • Pumps,
  • Jumping rope,
  • Burpees,
  • Squats.

Thus, you will keep a good physical shape and maintain your internal mechanics. You do not have to go to a gym to practice circuit training and these sports activities can be practiced with friends: enough to give yourself extra motivation !

The Tabata program, to take advantage of the benefits of circuit training

Is circuit training good for your health?

Do you know the Tabata method? This sports method, close to HIIT, is a training based on interval training, but also on high intensity. Its invention is attributed to the Japanese professor Izumi Tabata. Its challenges are similar and comparable to circuit training.

The reason ? His workouts, based on very short times, 4 minutes on average! Among the benefits of the Tabata program , we find the loss of fat, the improvement of endurance, or the development of tonicity.

Because the main advantage of this type of circuit training is to work all muscle groups. A complete sport therefore, which allows everyone to set clear objectives, and to give everything to progress and to achieve them.

The Tabata program is presented through an alternation between very intense but very short exercise phases and recovery phases. A maximum peak of effort provided by the body, rewarded by a short break.

The interest, to reap the benefits of this circuit training, is to reproduce it again and again, to, in the end, be sure to have spent yourself in the best way.

Concretely, a Tabata program looks like this:
  • A moment of warm-up , essential to carry out a session without hurting yourself,
  • 20 seconds of intense effort (burpees, push-ups, squats, etc.),
  • 10 second break ,
  • All repeated eight times on average.

Based on repetition, the Tabata program provides maximum fat burning, weight loss, anytime, anywhere, and increased endurance. In short, a complete sport, which is often likened to circuit training.

It is even customary to say that this type of sporting activity is equivalent to one hour of endurance training, that is to say!

The final benefit? There is no need for equipment to practice the Tabata program. So, isn’t life good when you do circuit training?

You now know all the benefits of the overall training method of circuit training. Thanks to Superprof, you can practice sports activities of this kind by simply contacting a private teacher who will act as a sports coach just for you for optimal physical conditioning in a minimum of time!



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