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HomeYogaYoutube channels to learn to meditate at home

Youtube channels to learn to meditate at home

Learning to meditate allows you to free yourself from daily stress but also to achieve a certain form of serenity and inner calm.

Thus, practitioners of guided meditation, mindfulness meditation or even sophrology or transcendental meditation acquire day after day full awareness of their being and their emotions.

Refocusing on the present moment, channeling your emotions to better manage them, reducing mental wandering, here are some examples of the benefits that a regular practice of meditation brings you.

No need to take yoga classes or go to a Buddhist temple to reach an optimal level of contemplation.

A yoga mat, a little space and accompaniment by a remote spiritual guide are enough. And Youtube today can help you move forward on the path to inner wisdom.

We tell you right after which are the best Youtube meditation videos according to the meditation technique that suits you best.

Guided meditation videos on Youtube

Guided meditation is perfect for helping beginners get started on their meditative journey.

As its name suggests, you can let yourself be guided by the voice, words, sounds or mantras of your guide during a session.

In addition to helping you relax, this method is a kind of coaching that guides you day after day in good meditative practices.

Many Youtube channels and videos are dedicated to these guided exercises.

Mike Meditation

This channel hosted by Mike since 2016 has more than 260,000 subscribers.

He shares with you here his passion for meditation and his desire to support you in your personal development by providing you with meditative tools adapted to your needs.

So you can free yourself from your anxieties and begin your inner journey in all benevolence.

On this Youtube channel you will find:

  • morning meditations,
  • evening meditations,
  • Meditations to find loving kindness,
  • Sessions to gain confidence and positivity.

He also offers sessions to help you heal from the past and its traumas.

Cédric Michel – Bubbles of serenity

This Youtube channel with 530,000 subscribers offers inner journeys that combine traditions and modern meditation techniques.

You can practice guided meditations for:

  • Let go,
  • Calm anxiety,
  • Practicing Yoga Nidra to the sound of the Tibetan bowl,
  • Strengthen the mind-body connection
  • Harmonize your chakras,
  • Improve your creative visualization.

Cédric Michel accompanies you on a daily basis according to your needs, your difficulties and your expectations.

You can learn to regulate your breathing, reach a state of intense relaxation or calm your mind subjected to the pangs of everyday life.

In the east of France, find the strasbourg mindfulness meditation courses .

Youtube videos of meditation to fall asleep

These meditation sessions are intended to help you fall asleep after a hectic day.

How to relax after a stressful day at work?
I practice meditation every night to help me fall asleep. Even during my move!

This meditative practice is carried out in the evening at bedtime once comfortably installed in your bed.

To do this, put a pillow under your neck, lie on your back and let your arms rest along your body.

Once your eyes are closed, concentrate on the relaxing voice of your mentor and allow the mental calm to invade you to reach the stage of deep mediation that you need.

Here are some Youtube videos to accompany you on the path to inner serenity.

Thanks to this video you can do a real emotional cleansing to have a clearer mind at bedtime.

Here, the Cinquième Saison channel will help you fight against insomnia and alleviate the states of anxiety that affect the quality of your sleep.

This video proposed by Julie Akasha Yoga aims to accompany you towards a deep and restorative sleep.

At the same time, it offers yoga classes for all levels of practice, daily meditations or self-massages.

You will learn the right postures (sun salutation, lotus position, etc.) and gestures that will do you good day after day in just a few minutes.

Discover all available Nantes meditation classes .

Mindfulness meditation videos on Youtube

This form of meditation allows, as its name suggests, to access full self-awareness and to anchor oneself in the present moment.

Practicing mindfulness meditation allows you to identify each sensation, each emotion without chasing them.

You have to focus on the breath so that the breath becomes the “red thread” of this meditation.

Often used in the management of stress and pain, this practice works miracles on many psychological and physiological conditions.

As we told you just a little above, this deep meditation lesson can be totally integrated into a physiological healing process.

This requires a complete analysis of one’s being, carrying out a body check-up

A body scan is a form of mindfulness meditation that is practiced while lying down.

It’s about bringing your attention gradually to each part of the body while observing the different sensations, but also the absence of sensations without passing judgment.

This kind of meditation allows one to become aware of the movement of life in each part of one’s own body.

It is very effective in the fight against stress and anxiety because short-circuits negative or parasitic thoughts and thus accompanies you on the path to healing.

This obviously does not replace medical care provided by specialists but is part of a more global care plan. We know that once the mind is calm, the body recovers more easily.

Youtube channels



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