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All the reasons to increase your weight to progress in sport!

We grant you, it is rare to play sports to gain weight ! We more often meet people who practice a sports activity to lose weight than to gain pounds  !

However,  there are many reasons for athletes to engage in targeted physical activity to gain weight in a healthy way  . But understand by weight gain, muscle mass gain.

Thanks to a  weight training program , practitioners will be able  to gain weight effectively in a controlled manner to boost their physical performance  .

Superprof explains why you will make lasting progress in sport by developing your muscle volume  !

So, ready to bulk up?

To gain muscle mass

If you’re a gym-goer, you already know that gaining weight is synonymous with gaining muscle .

How to gain muscle mass?
Do not panic, here it is not a question of gaining fat mass! If you want to improve your sports performance, you will have to take a few pounds, but of muscles!

Bodybuilding is the practice par excellence that allows you to grow by working muscle groups in a targeted manner .

Short explanation for beginners. In bodybuilding, the period of mass gain corresponds to the moment when the practitioner seeks to increase the volume of his muscle .

This period is characterized by weight gain . Strictly speaking, exercise does not increase weight . But by exercising, the athlete will gradually transform the fat of his body weight into muscle mass . And we all know that muscle weighs more than fat.

The athlete must then eat more than his “normal” nutrient needs in order to bring a higher caloric intake to his body. If all the stages of mass gain are correctly followed, the athlete will be able to gain more weight and therefore gain mass .

But then, how to gain weight when you practice sport?

To gain weight and build muscle simultaneously, athletes follow an intense and regular training program , a high-protein diet (healthy diet supplemented with dietary supplements), and good recovery .

It is therefore necessary to distinguish between the weight gain linked to the fact of building muscle, that is to say the gain of lean mass , and the gain of body mass, or body fat . This is why to grow healthy and develop muscles , sports training must imperatively be associated with nutrition .

As you will have understood, no athlete ignores nutritional programs to increase their caloric intake .

Athletes often choose the winter period to achieve their mass gain. This is the perfect time to build muscle in a healthy way.

Here are the things to watch out for to promote weight gain:

  • Have an adapted sports program,
  • Be regular in your workouts
  • Take a break between each session so as not to overwork the body,
  • Following a high calorie diet,
  • Choose rich foods
  • Opt for good eating habits to bring healthy calories to the body.

To successfully gain weight in a healthy way, choose a balanced diet of protein, fat, carbohydrates and fiber .

Also, do not hesitate to increase the number of meals per day , because the three daily meals will not be sufficient for the targeted caloric intake. Aim to have five to six meals and two to three snacks .

Ask for support from your Lyon sports coach .

To increase athletic performance

The purpose of dieting to gain weight while exercising also serves to boost physical and athletic performance .

How to increase your athletic performance?
The goal of mass gain is to try to gain as much muscle and as little fat as possible for optimal aesthetic results, while increasing strength and performance in training.

Even if it is recommended to increase the weight of the body to develop its strength and therefore its sports performance, it is not necessary to eat just anything .

As we explained earlier, it is essential to eat a lot , but in a reasoned way. It will therefore be of no use to throw on sweets or foods rich in fat.

To gain weight, keep the diet that suits you and gradually increase your portions. The goal is usually to increase the number of calories throughout the day and distribute them at each meal.

To avoid storing fat, simply increase your daily serving by 300 to 400 calories . And if it is difficult for you to eat more, it is possible to supplement yourself with food supplements such as a gainer.

Here, it is therefore not a question of boosting the body mass index, but the energy intake  ! To give fuel to the body!

So remember to calculate the number of calories per day you will need to control your weight and gain muscle.

Research proves it, gaining a few pounds allows you to gain power , which has a very positive effect on sports performance, and this in all sports.

Whether you’re jogging, swimming, horseback riding or working out in the gym, gaining a few pounds will make it easier for you to practice your favorite activity  !

Moreover, it is not only bodybuilding that facilitates rapid weight gain. Other sports promote weight gain such as:

  • Swimming,
  • Athleticism,
  • fitness,
  • cross training,
  • bodybuilding,
  • And many others !

Avoid endurance sports or too much cardio which tend to make you lose weight. Indeed, the sports belonging to these categories make you spend a lot of calories and do not gain in volume.

To sum up, choose sports that allow you to gain muscle weight . It is by developing your muscles that you will develop your physical performance.

You will be stronger, faster and more enduring!

Seeing your muscles grow also protects against injuries, because the joints are more stable and the bones are strengthened.

Finally gaining weight intelligently is a real health asset .

The help of an online sports coach may be useful to you.

To feel better about your body

The majority of people who exercise regularly are looking for a body in which they feel good .

How to feel good about yourself while playing sports?
A mass gain is generally done if you feel too thin, if you are stagnant, if you are a beginner or if you want to acquire a more massive physique.

When you play sports, the reasons for weight gain can be multiple. Here are a few :

  • You find yourself too skinny,
  • You are not well in your skin,
  • You wish to take forms,
  • You would like to develop certain areas of your body (thighs, buttocks, abs, waistline, etc.),
  • You dream of gaining volume to change sports category (especially in combat sports),
  • You want to gain overall mass.

With clear and easy to achieve physical goals, you can improve your body type . Do not think about gaining weight quickly, but sustainably.

Beyond the physical and aesthetic aspect, weight gain improves posture and tones the body. And the skin will also gain in firmness.

You will feel better in a more toned and shapely body . Because as we mentioned earlier, to progress and pass a course of progression, mass gain is an almost obligatory step for all those who wish to build muscle sustainably.

Be sure to respect your morphotype and your eating habits to reach your ideal weight.

Your home sports coach will be able to advise you.

To increase your metabolism

The last reason to increase your weight in sport is to increase your metabolism .

Does lean mass gain increase metabolism?
Muscle is denser than fat. So if you start exercising to lose weight, but you’re not losing it, it could be because you’re gaining lean muscle. A trend that will be positive for your health in the long term.

Do you remember what basal metabolism is? By practicing physical activity, the body burns carbohydrates and fats.

In a process of weight loss, the practitioner seeks to burn fat to lose weight. On the contrary, to gain weight, the sportsman accompanies his practice by an excess calorie intake, that is to say that he consumes more calories than he spends.

It is therefore essential to eat more than your daily needs , while taking care to control the quality of intake to minimize fat intake.

Be careful, the practice of regular physical activity is an essential complement to the weight gain diet if you do not end up with a substantial overweight!

All types of physical activity increase metabolism, but targeted practices such as strength training help build muscle and thereby basal metabolic rate.

If your goal is to gain weight, be careful to follow appropriate food and sports hygiene so as not to burn too many calories.

Gaining lean mass will allow you to have good muscle mass , but a low fat rate in order to be massive, to achieve your physical goals, but also to be comfortable in your body. .

Following lean mass gain, and therefore muscle gain, some athletes continue with a dry period to obtain more prominent muscles.

To stay healthy

Under the pretext of gaining weight, one should not treat the body badly. By respecting its needs, you will be sure to gain weight for a long time.

How to stay healthy while gaining weight?
Gaining weight does not rhyme with junk food, quite the contrary!

Whether you are a man or a woman, athletic or not, we are not all equal when it comes to weight. Some take it easier than others.

In any case, by applying these few tips, you will understand how to gain weight :

  • have a healthy lifestyle,
  • Rethink the basics of your diet,
  • Choose healthy foods,
  • Diversify the proteins, carbohydrates and lipids on your plate,
  • Develop your muscles,
  • Supplement with plants.

Don’t fall into the junk food trap . Opt for a judicious lifestyle , choose balanced foods and compose appetizing dishes .

Bet on the good fats and eradicate the bad sugar . If you are in doubt, always choose natural foods .

sports practice will also help you achieve your weight gain or mass gain goals more quickly.

It is by rethinking the basics of your diet that you will adopt new good habits . By being regular and serious, you ensure optimal and sustainable weight gain over time .

Finally, think of plants to stimulate your appetite and boost your body .

How to gain weight quickly?

You should already know that depending on your metabolism, you will gain weight more or less quickly. Some metabolisms are said to be fast, that is to say they quickly burn the calories provided. Stress, fatigue, tobacco consumption… are all factors influencing your metabolism.

But to gain weight quickly while maintaining a healthy body, here are some tips to follow:

  1. Eat high-calorie foods at each meal: wholemeal bread, oily fish, brown rice, eggs, oilseeds, dairy products (cheese, yogurt), meats… Choose unprocessed foods and unrefined sugars to stay healthy .
  2. Add two snacks a day: maybe you only have a snack around 4 p.m. (or not at all). To gain weight, it will be necessary to have two snacks a day: one in the morning and one in the afternoon based on dried fruits (walnuts, almonds, raisins, etc.), yogurt, banana, dark chocolate, etc.
  3. Stimulate your appetite: go gradually so as not to feel disgusted and gradually increase the size of the portions. Your stomach will expand gradually and you will be able to eat more as you go.
  4. Avoid foods with no caloric intake: cabbage, cucumber, asparagus, zucchini, tomatoes, melon, beets, carrots, peaches…
  5. Replace skimmed milk with whole milk.
  6. Stay well hydrated outside mealtimes and avoid drinking during meals so as not to inflate your stomach unnecessarily. Avoid tea and coffee which are appetite suppressants.
  7. Play sports: sports are your number one ally for gaining weight in a healthy way. It reduces blood sugar levels and stimulates appetite. Be careful to choose sports that make you gain weight such as bodybuilding, crossfit and muscle building. Endurance sports such as running, swimming or cycling will, on the contrary, make you lose weight.
  8. Pay attention to your sleep: Sleeping well is one of the keys to promoting nutrient uptake and healthy weight gain (or weight loss).
  9. Call a nutritionist: he or she will be able to guide you and prepare meal plans for healthy weight gain as part of your mass gain. Dietary monitoring allows you to know how to compose healthy meals and monitor your weight gain without risking imbalances, junk food and risks to your health.
  10. Take food supplements: to gain weight quickly, you can also take a Gainer: protein powder or creatine. You also have the option of natural supplements such as spirulina, ginger, gentian, dandelion, oregano or fenugreek which naturally promote weight gain.

You can follow a special high-calorie diet to gain weight and thus improve your sports performance, build muscle and gain volume quickly.

Always think about your health and get a check-up from time to time to make sure that everything is fine and that you do not have too much cholesterol and that your blood sugar is good.

What high calorie diet to follow to gain weight?

By combining sport and nutrition, the high calorie diet allows you to gain weight in a healthy way.

What high calorie diet to follow to gain weight?
Do not panic, the high calorie diet helps to gain weight in a healthy way!

Wondering how to get fat? Here are the 100% nutrition strategies of this diet:

  • Choose foods with high energy density,
  • Stimulate the appetite,
  • Eliminate diet products and appetite suppressants,
  • Play sports,
  • Hydrate well.

The high calorie diet aims to gain weight quickly . For this, any dietitian recommends a balanced diet , selecting foods with a low glycemic index and avoiding sodas, sweets, saturated fats and sugary products.

The daily portions are gradually increased to allow time for the stomach to expand. The goal is to go from three meals a day to five or six by integrating snacks.

In practice, it is 500 additional calories which are distributed over the day. A woman consumes approximately 1800 calories per day and a man 2200, within the framework of a “normal” diet.

The plate of the high calorie diet is organized in this way: 50% protein, 25% carbohydrates and 25% lipids .

As you will have understood, favor foods rich in calories and rich in protein.

To make a meal rich in calories, think about taking hearty meals , but also adding rich foods that do not necessarily increase the volume of the ration.

Starches, legumes, vegetable oils, oilseeds, dairy products and fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of macronutrients.

But then in practice, what diet makes you gain weight ?

Superprof has selected three ideal diets for you to increase weight. Here are these diets that promote weight gain:

The split diet

The best solution for spreading out your daily calorie needs and dividing your portions over five to six meals.

On the program, protein, lipids and carbohydrates accompanied by two to three snacks to boost your physical transformation.

This diet is suitable for athletes looking to gain mass .

The protein diet

One of the most popular diets for gaining or losing weight. The idea: fill up on protein throughout the day.

This diet is the best way to gain lean mass and say goodbye to fatty tissue.

Fitness and bodybuilding enthusiasts know it well for its quick results.

The IIFYM diet

The latter is less known, but just as popular, even if it requires a more developed nutritional understanding .

Indeed, the “If it fits your macros” diet allows practitioners to eat whatever they want, as long as it meets their daily macronutrient needs .

As a reminder, macronutrients correspond to proteins, lipids and carbohydrates.

To know your daily calorie requirements, you will need to apply the Mifflin-St-Jeor formula:

Men  : 10 x weight (in kg) + 6.25 x height (in cm) – 5x age (in years) + 5,

Women  : 10 x weight (in kg) + 6.25 x height (in cm) – 5x age (in years) – 161.

To adapt the result to your lifestyle, multiply it by:

  • 1.2 for sedentary people,
  • 1.375 if you are lightly active,
  • 1.55 if you are moderately active,
  • 1.725 for very active people,
  • 1.9 for those who practice more than 2 hours of intensive sport per day.

This diet is therefore less hassle, even if you will have to calculate all your daily intakes to achieve your objectives.

Finally, these three diets are all based on the fundamentals of the high calorie diet. Healthy food , protein plates with vitamins and minerals .

We hope that this guide will contribute to effective weight gain!

You now have all the information on the reasons for gaining weight when playing sports.



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